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"Wake up! We're headed through an asteroid belt today boys!" I could hear Silver wake us up with an announcement.

"Ugh.." Taras rolled out of his bed and sluggishly walked to his chair. I stayed put and looked around for my journal.

"Just a sec." I found it and proceeded to write my dream. This one scared me. No, none of our lives were in danger. No one dies. Oh god-I don't even want to say it. Just wait and see. This embarasses me too much.

So I finish writing and head up front. Silver runs us through our plan and we put it into action. We started by slowly entering the belt then going from there. We both were able to accurately maneuver around each asteroid and made it out unharmed. It took at least an hour considering the belt was just small. Silver is a surprisingly good pilot.

"Nice." Silver cheered.

"From here can we just set auto-pilot for a bit?" I suggest. We all agree and that's what we do.

"You know. I saw what you were doing last night." Silver smirks.

"What do you mean?" I ask. Did we do something? I know for sure we didn't fuck.

"Hm?" Taras hummed.

"I didn't know you played the guitar!" Okay I thought she was going somewhere. Silver is too pure for this world.

"Yeah." Taras leaned back in his chair. I notice that he unwrapped his wrists. Makes sense considering that those random tattoos are the only thing he has left of his brother. I guess they must have been really close. I heard that his parents are presumed to be dead. Well, now he has no one. That's the main reason why I'm sympathizing.

"Play me something!" Silver begs. Taras sighs and carries out the action. I watch him play; he's very skilled. I wasn't paying that much attention to what he was playing at first. What caught my eye was how his eyes seemed to reflect the starlight. It was beautiful. I saw Silver swaying along to the tune on the screen, her hair flowing with each and every slight turn. Taras looked up at me.

"You didn't sing along?"

"Oh." I nervously laugh, does he know I've been staring at him? "I will next time." Taras gives me a disappointed look. Heh, he must actually like my singing.

It's about five hours later and we stop the ships. Silver has cut out of the system to sleep. Taras and I are now left alone. What happens next is what I had predicted. I decided to turn off the gravity to just float around and shit. Taras joined in. Taras grabbed me by the arm and threw me across the ship. I ended up hitting the roof. This made us both laugh. I pushed off the roof and attempted to join Taras on his bed. He smiles at me and I smile back.

"T'ank you." He says. I cock my head. "Just for being t'ere." I think he's crying again. "With Vitya gone I just." He pauses. "I just don't know." With the gravity off his tears form into little floating balls of sadness. "You're actually a nice guy. I don't know why I even hate you?" Why do we hate each other. Is it just for the purpose of hating?

"Same here." And this is where the dream started. Taras hugs me quickly. Then we just stare at eachother-unknowingly moving closer. Then like you assumed-we kissed. This went on for about a solid minute or two. His lips were so soft and I couldn't help but keep going. Taras didn't pull away either so... I then came to my senses and pulled away; I pulled away and intensely screamed. He did the same and pushed me across the ship and I migrated to my side.

"What just happened!" I screamed. Taras screamed something in Russian at me.

"Why did you keep going!" He yelled something I could understand.

"Because you didn't stop!"

"Ug" He made random hand gestures. "T'ere will be nothing between us and will never talk 'bout tis again."

"Sounds good." Immediately after that we fell asleep. But I lied awake, thinking of shit. He has a girlfriend, he knows that I know he does. Then what the actual fuck happened? What even!? I wouldn't smash him, no sir. I'm not gay. I'm not! Nor is he! Ugh. It's better not to drone on this for much longer. 

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