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"So it was about-wait how old are you?" He started.


"It was seventeen years ago." He continued. " I had just taken the throne of the Smyke empire-that's what I meant when I said I was a pretty big deal. So I took thy throne and then everything came crumbling down under my feet after a year. Beforehand I had made arrangements with Travis incase something went wrong. Ucoria invaded and everything went to shit. So picture this-I'm enjoying life being proud that your mom and I didn't burn down the palace trying to make food and one of the guards runs in and he's like "The Ucorians are here! Hide!". I ignore him and go to look for you and your mom which was in the main hall. So I get out there and about ten guards are there and blood has been spilled. So now here's the interesting part. Your mom was head of our military so she's up there hittin' down these fuckers with a steel curtain rod, just bashin' 'em up the head left and right. Then here's the sad part. So she tells me to take you and hide, but me, being the idiot I am try to get her out of the action. All I gotta say is there was a flamethrower, and when you put a Smyke with a flamethrower, the flamethrower will always win. Then-get this. The Ucorians just leave as the palace is burning down. They don't go to exterminate the rest of the Smykes, they just kill her then leave!"

"Do you know the reason?"

"She's Ucorian and was considered a traitor to her homeworld. That's why I made arrangements with Travis since you know you like a Smyke Ucorian hybrid thing and since you would have absolutely no idea what you were we would send you to Earth to live a happy life."

"But I ended up here."


"Okay I'm still confused. Why are you here?"

"Another fun story. So you know the current ruler? He kinda took over saying he was 'temporarily covering for me' during my dark depression after the quick invasion."

"Oh..." How interesting. "Well, is there anything else I should know."

"Would you like to hear a urban ledgend?" That's random but hell yeah.

"Go ahead." I gesture.

"Okay! It's not really a ledgend because it's fuckin' true all the way. They call themselves 'The Masked Murderers'." I've heard of them before, Leir and I went as Masked Murders for halloween one year.

"I've heard of them. The super stealthy hitmen. I don't know much about them though."

"Okay. So they look just like your usual Smyke soldier but their entire face is covered with a mask. They're just covered from head to toe, there's no way you're able to tell who they are. And the cool part is, they have been able to break into this ship thirteen times without being stopped, or seen for that matter. I've seen them first hand. There's only two of them actually-brothers I think. Well anyways-so this one day I'm sittin' in my cell and the guard guy, he's just walking by and then suddenly he just falls to the floor and there's blood splattered all up the wall. His head had been cut clean off and standing right infront of my cell is one of the Masked. It was amazing. He gave me a knife!" He sounds like a crazed fangirl obsessing over a random boy.

"That's cool."

'I know right! They've freed prisoners, lit fires, a whole bunch of crazy shit and they haven't even been caught."

"That's...Almost impossible."

"I know right."

We spend the the rest of the day talking about random shit. Then we carry on to the next day, and the next, and then the next week, and the week after that-then it turns to months. It had been a month and he had taught me how to basically survive life here. Don't talk back to the officers or you'll get tortured-don't question their motives and you'll be okay-don't lose your sanity and you're all set. They then decided to move me to a secluded cell. There I thought I was going to lose my mind, but I kept it together because I knew I was going to get out of here someday. I needed to keep it together for Taras. Hell-the rose that he had given we had dried out and I keep the rose petals with me even though they're destroyed to bits.

It's been a week. I think I'm losing my mind. I've began clawing at the walls until my fingers bleed. I punch the walls and scream at nothing. I find the concept of pain hilarious now. Funny how even the strongest can be weak. I almost forgot about everyone for a solid while.

Then something changed-the guards took me to another different cell. One which had only cement walls and a chair in the middle. I was ordered to sit in it, and that's what I did. What could possibly be happening. There were handcuffs attached to the armrests of the chair and they locked tightly around my wrists. Is this going where I think it's going. The guard wheeled in a table with multiple things on it and another person followed. They both got close to me and I panicked.

"What are we starting with?" One of the guards asked the other.

"Just do whatever and we'll see if he activates it." What do they mean? Activate what? Wait-oh shit this is what I had predicted. I'm going to be tortured out of my mind.

"Then-let the fun begin." The one said grabbing tweezers. He began to pull out my fingernails and I winced in pain. One-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight-nine-ten, each one was pulled slow enough that it hurt like hell. Then they moved on to my toenails. It all hurt like hell but I didn't scream my head off.

"C'mon I wanted a better reaction." The one complained. "Let's move on to something else. A little more-painful." He grabbed scissors and cut a line across my forehead causing blood to trickle down into my eyes. Then he full on stabbed my eyes out. Now this-this made me fucking scream my head off. What the fuck! I couldn't get any words out, it was just jumbled screams and cries for help. I'm going to be blind aren't I? Holy shit! He then proceeds to try and cut my right arm off with the scissors.

"How do you like that?" He asks in a mocking tone. All I can do is scream. "Ain't still fucking activating. C'mon cunt!" What happened next really fucking scared me. Since I'm blind all I can hear is buzzing, followed by intense burning on my face. They're using a fucking blow torch on my face! At this rate I will certainly be dead!

"Take it easy. We still need him alive." One of the gaurds said.

"Fine." he stopped, thank god. Then he punched me in the nose and I could feel blood flowing from the impact. I can't take this-it's too bad. I'm just defenseless, all I can do is scream. Then I feel like the torture is just continuing but they actually stepped away.

"There we go!" One of them says. I feel a tingling sensation coming from my back and spreading all over my body. Now all I can see is light. Wait. Now I can actually see, what the fuck. Whatever, I just scream more and thrown my head down and hit my feet on the floor. My arms tense as I can feel the strange energy flowing through me. There's a loud crashing sound and I fall onto the ground. Where's the chair? I open my eyes and the fucking room is destroyed. There chair is in bits, the table is knocked over revealing all the torture devices. I look to the back wall and there dead are the guards. Their heads had been bashed into the wall. Had I done this? I walk to the wall to my left and slam my hand against it wanting to test something out. A large hole forms in the wall and energy waves spike up in a ripple effect from where the hole was. This is strange. Confused and shaking, I attempt to walk to the door and exit the room. Even there everything is in shambles. There's dead guards with their heads cut off clean. I gain my senses and realize that I can escape. I run aimlessly down a long hallway to my right, but there's a shadowy figure standing in the middle. They look very threatening. They look like on the the Masked with their gear. And I just stand here looking defenseless in my tattered clothing. They slowly walk towards me. Closer-closer-and closer.

Prepare for death! Oh god. My life is flashing before my eyes. Wait-this is off topic but I've been gone for a month or more. They must think I'm dead for sure. Anyways back to reality.

"Are you going to kill me?" I ask the Masked figure. They shake their head.

"I'm helping you escape Alex." They have a voice changer equipped into their helmet. Wait-

"The fuck you know my name?" I'm confused and lost. The Masked reaches behind their head and unbuckles their mask.

"You're actually alive!" They sound relieved. Then I look at their face. Their familiar face which wasn't equipped with his usual glasses. His scarred bleeding face which was happy that his missing friend was alive after all these months.

"Leir?" I ask.

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