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"What the fuck!" I hear Luka scream. "What just happened?!"

"What 'ze fuck." Taras added. The floor is very cold. I just lay here. I can't do anything but listen. I'm in some state of paralysis for some unknown reason. One of them carried me to my bed. I then felt an intense pain in my back. It then spread to my neck, shoulders, then spiraling down my left arm. This was very painful, as if someone was trying to kill me with a dull knife.

"What the shit!" Luka is freaking out.

"I'll call Silver!" And there's Taras.

"Oh-The fuck. He's bleeding. He's bleeding a lot!" I'm bleeding? "It's bad!" The hell.

I could hear Silver's voice. Was she now in the ship?

"Oh god..." I felt her touch my arm. Could you not! "Why?" I tried to listen to the next occurring conversation but it was just jumbled screams. I tried to get out of this paralysis because I was sick of this bullshit. I started with moving my one finger then went from there. It took quite a while but I snapped out of this state. I wanted to sit up but I didn't have the energy to do so. I noticed that I was covered in my own blood. I lifted my left arm to see what may have caused this pain. It looked like a dark red/black tattoo. It started from my middle finger then trailed up my arm to my shoulder which had many small lines which made me look like a bar code. The fuck is this shit.

"He's awake!" I hear Silver yell before she comes running to my side. "How ya feeling?"

"Uh-" I started. Taras came running to my side as well.

"You're okay!" He cheered.

"What is this?" I lift my arm slightly.

"I don't know. But it's fuckin' cool." I could hear Luka who was leaning against the wall. I attempted to sit up once more but couldn't. For the rest of the night I was bedridden. Well-floor ridden. We moved me to the floor because there was a fuck ton of my blood on my bed. Silver had left leaving us three again. I was very tired and just immediately went back to sleep when I ended up back on my bed. But Luka had stopped me.

"So. You know that thing on your back?" He must have been referring to the random marking back there. It's a large diamond which takes up almost all the area of my back. Within that diamond are a few swirled lines. "Just take a look at this." He handed me the gun I have taken. He laid a finger upon the symbol carved into this weapon. "It's exactly the same." I was very confused. So was Taras who joined in on this conversation.

"So?" Taras added.

"I'm with Taras on this one. What?" I said clutching the gun in my hand.

"Just. See if it works." Luka seemed anxious.

"It's not gonna work." I put my finger on the trigger. I pulled my finger back; nothing. "I told you-" The gun lit up, the red markings on the gun beginning to glow. It sounded like an old pc starting up.

"Holy shit. It didn't do that when I tried!" Luka stared at the glowing weapon which I had held in my bloody hand.

"So this means..." Taras wanted Luka to come up with a logical explanation for this.

"This only works for Smykes right?" I nod as Luka began to explain. "You're obviously a Smyke. It's fuckin' startin' up."

"That's impossible." I start. But not completely impossible. Like I had said a while ago, I've come up with the theory that I'm adopted. But this is something else! This is fucked up!

The Smyke race. Blood thirsty bastards; that's what we call them on Earth. They look just like us humans, but there's a way to tell them apart. Abnormally tall, the majority of them have weird like silver/white eyes, and also the red/orange markings. We'll, I think that's what they are anyways. Once you see those markings you know for sure it's a Smyke. You can't use any of their technology against them because it's only able to be activated by someone of their own kind. There's this one guy, Lewis, he's basically the Smyke overlord. Scary guy.

But this whole 'Well Alex, you're not human' this is very off putting. I feel very disconnected and betrayed that I wasn't informed. Then again if your child was from a blood thirsty alien race would you tell him? Probably not. Does my family mean nothing now? Well-I guess they think I'm dead now, but still.

I heard the com. System turn on.

"Hello?-He-" The sounds emitting from the system were very sketchy. "Is anyone there?" The voice got slightly clearer. They sounded familiar. "Alex? Taras?" Wait. It was my dad.

"Answer the fuckin' com. System!" I yell. Taras jolts to the front. He waves.

"Listen. I've had to get into the ship's system directly. The connection is still very weak. So, how's it going?" He quickly said. "Is that Luka?" He noticed a wild Luka roaming the ship. "I thought you were dead?"

"Oh hey." He waves. "We have important news and need answers!" Luka pulled me out of bed and put his arm under me since I was still too weak to walk. Or do anything for that matter. "Show him the thing." The thing, good job Luka. Great wording. I take off my shirt to show him the weird markings.

"What the fuck is this dad?" I ask him facing the back wall, my back exposed. "I need answers now!"

"Oh. Uh-I don't know?" He's lying.

"No. You do know. What's up?" I'm slightly enraged and I wanted clear answers right away before he cuts out. "Why is this fucking happening?"

"Alex calm down." He tried to reassure me but I didn't work in the slightest.

"Am I a Smyke dad? Am I what you would consider a 'blood thirsty bastard'!"

"No Alex you're not in the slightest-."

"How are you supposed to explain this then! Why am I even like this! Hell, you're not even my dad aren't you! I don't have a fucking family!"

"Stop jumping to conclusions."

"I'm jumping to conclusions because you're not giving me fucking answers!"

"The envelope-" He cut out. I got Luka to take me back to my bed where I read the contents of the envelope. For the most part it was just picture after picture after picture but then I found a note.

"Found it." I unfolded the old looking paper. 

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