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"No time to explain. We need to get out of here." He puts his mask back on and leads me down the hallway to an exit. "Get in that ship. I'll be right back." He points to a ship docked very close. I climb in. It has a sleek design and is themed with the colour black with purple accents. It is similar to my ship but way better. It does have the similar layout of the beds, the bathroom, the everything. I go to sit down on the bed and Leir comes rushing back in to sit in the chair up front.

"Get up here." He gestures to the chair beside him. I go to sit beside him when the communication system pops up. There's another Masked figure on the screen.

"Got 'em?" Leir asks.

"Yep." Leir then proceeds to launch off at unimaginable speeds. I look up at the Com. System and the masked figure is proceeding to take his mask off. He has red/orange eyes and a vibrant red and black undercut. He's very pale, like paper almost.

"You must be Alex." He says. "I'm Sev."

"Umm..Hi?" I wave and look over at Leir. "Leir explain to me why you're apart of the Masked Murderers?" I hear someone else through the system.

"So he's still unconscious but fine. Wait-" He comes into view. "Alex?" It's Victor.

"You're alive?!"


"Anyways-" Leir continues. "So when we reached Krebin your dad gave this whole speech about how you were thrown off course and died and shit. The whole time I was like, 'nah, not my Alex.'. Even Victor was the same way. So we both left and made it look like a suicide. So now we're here."

"And who is Sev?" I ask.

"We found him floating aimlessly in space." Leir smirks.

"Okay this is gonna sound weird but we found someone floating in space too." I say quickly.

"Really? Strange." Leir laughs. Leir really seemed to have gotten more confident. "Anyways. Anything new?" He asks me.

"Apparently I'm a Smyke. And a Ucorian. And I'm adopted. And I met my real dad in space prison."

"We got you dad with us." Victor said. I nod.

"Also. Do you remember Luka?" I ask Leir. He nods.

"Yeah, he was weird."

"We found him in space."

"Are you serious?"

"He was apart of a gang." I laugh. "He is so fucking hot." I click my tongue.

"Pffftttt. Did you hook up with him?" He nudges.

"I'll just shut this off." I can hear Sev say, and the Com. Screen disappears.

"No I hooked up with someone else."

"Tell me." Why do we sound like two teenage girls gossiping.


"C'mon!" He insisted.

"No. Pft-anyways. How did you know where I was?" The rescue mission was a bit sketchy.

"We were just gonna do a quick hit and run. I stalked some of the files and found out you were here!" Leir, you stealthy bastard.

"Well, thanks? So what's the plan now?"

"I'll check." Leir turned to the control panel and pulled up the Com. Screen. No one was there. "Yo." Leir said.

"Someone get it." I could hear Victor complain. Sev came into view.

"Waddup?" He asked leaning on the chair from behind.

"What's the plan?" Leir swung his legs back and forth.

"We'll see what Marco says. That all?" Leir nods. "'Kay. Bye." The system shuts off. I turn to him.

"Who's Marco?" I ask him.

"He's the one who gets us into all these places. He used to be a Smyke guard." That's interesting-I nod. "Ugh-this suit is so uncomfortable." He stretches his arm across his body. "Be right back" He gets up to change and I'm left alone.

I thud back in the chair and sigh, closing my eyes. Thank god I'm safe. I can finally put my mind at ease. My eyes snap open-fuck, where's everyone else? I gotta find them! They could be in danger! No-Alex, they're fine. They gotta be fine! They have to be fine! God...How long have I even been gone for? I try to remember. It's been about a month I think.

"Okay I'm back." He came and sat across from me again. He wore a black muscle shirt and fucking leather pants. Jesus christ Leir-you really have changed.

"When did you get jacked?" I laugh. "Wait-" There's something different with his arm. He has a prosthetic arm? It's made of a dark metal material and has random accents of the red/orange colour which is found on their trademarked uniforms. "What did you do!" I point at his arm.

"Oh! Okay so I go to kill a guy and I had my sword behind my arm, and I accidentally sliced it clean off."

"You idiot." Good job Leir. "It looks cool though." I laugh.

"I know right-!" Leir was cut off by the Com. System. The guy who I presumed was Marco appeared on screen. He had tanned skin and silver dyed hair which paired with his silver eyes. He wore the same uniform as the others. He looked very threatening.

"You must be Alex." He greeted in a stern tone.

"You must be Marco?" I ask. He nods.

"I hear you have the mark of the seer?"He asks. I nod. "Tell me your prediction straight away and that will determine our agenda. Understand?" I nod. "Thank you Alex."

"Who ya talkin' to?" I hear another voice. "Oh! Is that him!" He comes into view. He looks exactly like Marco-must be his brother. "Hello!" He waves. "I'm Sebastian!"

"Hi..." I wave. "Wait...So you're like his brother?"

"Sure thing." Sebastian locked his arm around Marco's head causing Marco to look at him with utter annoyance. "My bro here is our strategist expert. He knows the layout of any Smyke ship like the back of his hand! I get the honors of bein' his backup. Sev is our lead on combat and shit. My bae Victor is our technology expert and Leir is basically our pet assassin. We once gave him dog treats and he ate one thinking it was a cracker."

"Shut up." Leir scowled.

"Anyways. We'll see you in the morning. Goodbye." Marco shut off the system. Leir has gotten really chill, it's almost like he's come out of his shell and is free to do all the crazy stuff he's dreamt of doing. It's almost like Luka, he was very awkward then he just-chilled out. Whatever Leir decides to do of course I'll be fine with it.

Leir took notice of my torn clothing.

"Yo. You want to borrow some of my clothes?" He asks. I nod. He walks over to a closet and pulls out random articles of clothing. "Here. This should do." He hands me the bundle. I thank him.

"Oh dude! Wanna see something cool?" I forgot to show him the markings.

"Oh hell yeah!" He says anticipated. I take off my shirt to show him the markings.

"Check it out." I open my arms and turn my back to him.

"Bro. When did you get inked?"

"I didn't get inked. I'm a Smyke. I got the markings and all."

"It's fuckin' cool. Sebastian and Marco have the same thing except for the thing on your back." He says. I put the shirt Leir gave me on.

"It's called the Mark of the Seer or something. It's gives me the weird predictions and apparently I'm like of Smyke nobility or something."

"Damn bro. That's cool." He got up from his chair and face planted onto the bed on the right. "Well I'm tired. G'night." He didn't turn any lights off or anything, he just laid there face down on the bed and fell asleep immediately. I don't know what I'm saying because I fell asleep right when my head hit the pillow. I missed actually sleeping in a bed for once. 

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