Twenty Four (Wedding Rendezvous) Justin Bieber

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“Y/N, you are the most beautiful woman i’ve ever laid my eyes on and i promise to always remind you every time we are together. You are my light, soul and forever my baby. I love you Y/N.”

The AWWS echoing the room in return, the audience totally smitten by Conor’s loving speech.

“Y/N, do you take this man standing before you, to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

Your eyes have a hard time focusing on Conor’s face, splitting a glance at Justin, who was standing behind Conor. Justin’s honey orbs were focused on you, his hand clutched together in front of him, his posture straight, not a slight feeling of being uncomfortable.

“Yes, i do.” your voice not quivering, which surprised you.

You straighten yourself as you prepare to have a super amazing night, planning to dance heaps with your girlfriends. Conor was drinking alot more than expected as he and the others were chugging down the vodka shots like water. You spot Justin sitting at the counter, sipping his drink slowly. You were actually surprised Justin would turn up at your wedding. Conor begged Justin to be one of his best mates as he knew you and Justin had been ‘bestfriends’ for 3 years. You and justin were best friends, best friends with benefits, best friends who couldn’t keep their hands off eachother. After getting into a serious relationship with Conor, you had to cut all sexual ties with Justin. But this didn’t help as Justin and Conor were step brothers, their parents recently got married, which meant whenever Conor was around, Justin was somewhere nearby. You had known Justin ever since you were 18, the years eventually went by, work was a handful and Justin was always there to lend a hand, if you know what i mean. The relationship went up until you were 21, you realised your feelings had risen, you were scared but didn’t admit it. You and Justin fought many times while together but also had so many memories that you couldn’t forget. Conor was serious about getting together, he was mature as he was 5 years older than you and Justin. You couldn’t help but fall for Conor’s charm, despite this, you still hadn’t gone a day where you didn’t think about Justin.

You push your thoughts aside as your strut up to him nervously, your hands becoming clammy.


Justin shifts his attention to the similar voice that he knew all too well. 

“Would you like a drink to celebrate your special day?” 

His voice laced with venom. You slightly ignore it. 

“I’m glad you came today,” you began to say.

“WHY did you invite me Y/N? I clearly told you to leave me out!” 

Justin harshly shouts at you, his voice loud and clearly angry but his face expressionless, to hide out what was really happening between you and Justin. 

You side glance around you, quickly averting your eyes to Conor, he seemed to not have noticed. 

“Justin, this hasn’t been easy for me either!” you seethe back.

“Oh really?” he scoffs, not believing you. 

“Yes! i’ve missed you too ok?” You whisper out, looking away from Justin’s stare. 

Justin swings his body to face the front, twisting in his chair, his face not longer facing you. You were slightly getting agitated at his immature actions. You drag him harshly by his forearm and drag him in the elevator.  


You forcefully drag him into the spare room upstairs. You mentally thank Conor for renting out the whole building. You slam the door close behind you, before you stare solely into Justin’s eyes, your eyes focusing hungrily at his presence.

Justin Bieber & Jason McCann Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now