Nineteen (Blowjob) Justin Bieber

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You feel as if the world around you was spinning at the fast pace. It makes you dizzy. You clutch onto Sam. 

“Is anyone home?” He asks. 

“Yeah, i think so.” you mumble back as you feel your head ache even more. 

You felt like your veins and arteries were popping inside your brain. After school today you and a group of small friends gathered at sam’s house to ‘relax’ if you kow what i mean. You haven’t even spoken to Justin today and you didnt tell him where you were for the evening. It was probably around 11pm right now. You were gonna go home earlier but the high was so amazing, you almost couldn’t handle it as you sat there on the living room rug, inhaling the substance. You even played a game to see who could stand on one leg for the longest. You didnt last very long. You had bad balance in general. 


You raise your limp head up to see Justin standing at the door. 

Before you could speak, Sam begins. “She took more than she could handle today.” 

“Get in Y/N.” He speaks not looking at you, “I’ll take it from here. Thanks for looking after her.” 

Justin blankly thanks your friend before shutting the door. You feel as if you were gonna pass out as your body was so weak after getting high. You first felt so much energy but now you felt as if your soul was sucked out, leaving only your dead body. You make your way to his bedroom. You spot Justin standing at the door. 

“Where were you today?” 

“I hung out with sam and some others.” 

Justin doesn’t say a word. 

“Thanks for letting me stay here by the way. I couldn’t go home like this, I don’t think my parents would approve.” you joke.

“I don’t want you seeing that guy again.” Justin says, ignoring your previous joke. 

You twist your eyebrows in confusion. He sounded.. mad.


You were not understanding the words coming from Justin’s mouth right now. He steps closer till you could feel his body heat in front of you. You stare back justin. Justin has a evident smirk on his face. He grips your chin, forcing you to look him in the eye. You were sure your eyes were shaking but never the less you kept your face still, not showing him any signs for weakness. He leans closer. You could feel his soft lips brushing against your earlobe. 

“Dont smoke with that guy again.” Justin whispers smoothly in your ear, his voice frightening you because of such a casual tone that he used. 

You knew you could sense yourself getting in trouble. 

“Sam?” You barely whisper out. 

Suddenly you forgot how to speak properly. Suddenly you lost your voice. You weren’t sure if Justin had heard it but you realised he had as he chuckles deeply. 

You could feel his grip get tighter, his fingers pushing themselves against your cheek. You were sure it would leave red finger prints. Justin suddenly smashes his lips against yours. You feel the possessiveness in the kiss. He bites gently on your bottom lip, pulling it betwen his teeth before letting it go. You felt the pain from the lip bite and the harsh grip he had on your face. But you couldn’t help but secretly feel turned on by his possessive actions. 

You didn’t even notice yourself walking back but you feel the end of the bed against your back knee. You look back at Justin with hungry eyes as you take a seat on his bed. Justin narrows his eyes down at you, watching you with a furious glare. You were faced directly with his manhood right in front of you. You couldn’t help but stare at the large bulge in front of you, making your lower stomach tingle as you knew exactly what was under those grey sweatpants. 

Justin Bieber & Jason McCann Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now