Adorable is scary...

Start from the beginning

"Whys he that fast?" I ask Ming.

"This is bad p, really bad." He says as we run.

"He a bad drunk?" I ask.

"P, it's terrible." Ming whines. "You don't know what's about to happen, thank god I'm not alone."

"I don't see him."

"P we have to find him." Ming looks scared. "He's going to get more..."

"What?" I ask, when he pauses.

"Adorable p, he will smile more, act cute, sit in your lap, with his arms around your neck, look at you with sparkly eyes, and tell you super cute things he wants to do."

"Shit." I say. "He's gonna get jumped."

"But it's worse p." Ming grabs my arm. "He's mad, he might... he might... look sad, with teary eyes... and if he cries..."

I don't need him to say more. I can imagine it, Yo teary, crying, they will fight to comfort him, and it might start a war.

We look for him frantically, when the ally split's, so do we, my sides a dead end. I find Ming, we both see him across the road, talking on his phone, looking annoyed.

When we reach him, we move closer to listen, its Suttee, he seems worried and hesitant.

".........But I found out the seniors made a bet."

"What bet?" Yo asks calmly.

"I don't want to cause trouble Yo, but I thought you should..."

"It's okay Suttee, please tell me." How can he be so dam calm?

"To act single for the weekend." He says quickly. "The doctors gang agreed, it got out of hand and they all shook hands on it and...none of them want to lose..."

"Thanks, Suttee. Bye." Yo says calmly, ending the call.

They made a bet? They want to be single, that badly? I can understand Beam going along, but Kit and Pha agreed too? I know guys are competative, and Beam hates to lose, but I'm not a bet.

"What did they think would happen, when we found out?" Ming snaps.

"They didn't think we would." Yo says. "We originally planned to stay till tomorrow."

How can he still be this sensible, after all that alcohol? Adorable people are scary.

"And I was going to my grandparents, before you called." I tell them.

Before we know what's happening, Yo throws his phone on the floor, beating it to death with his foot. When mine and Ming's ring, we take them out and look, but Yo grabs them both, looks at the names, and sends them to phone heaven, along with his. We flinch as he crushes them under his foot, then smiles at us. Shit, did my heart just skip a beat?

"Close your eyes p!" Ming shakes me.

"How can you not be affected?" I ask, closing them.

"Years of practice p!" Ming tells me.

But when I look at him, he's peeking out of one eye....

Yo walks away, then comes back and picks up the remains, throwing them near a bin. Telling us littering is bad, before smiling and walking off. Ming makes a dash and grabs them, hiding them in his jacket.

I look at Ming, I'm scared, he looked adorable, dam it. I didn't even try to stop him, I didn't want to upset him, so I let him kill my phone.

"I told you p". Ming's crying.

We follow him down a small ally, what's with the alleys? He stops, staring at something, we look to see what's so interesting.

"Is that..." Ming starts.

"It's Rome, in a dress." Yo, says." That's not good."

He walks into the restaurant, looking determined. Yo follows him, and we follow Yo. We stand behind shrubbery, spying on Rome as he stops near a table. Its P'Bright, he looks shocked to see Rome, the old guy and young girl at the table, look curious.

"Why is a bush in a restaurant?" Yo frowns, blowing leaves.

"It's fake Yo." Ming tells him.

"Why is he still awake after all that alcohol?" I ask Ming. "Shouldn't he pass out?"

"Not yet p." Ming's about to cry. "It just stops him being shy."

Oh shit, that's bad, that's really bad, even I can tell it's bad.

"Grandpa is being mean to Rome." Yo's annoyed. "I'll fix this."

Before we can stop him, he's walked over to the table, glaring at the people.

"Grandpa, be nice to Rome!" He says.

The old guy looks at Yo, surprised. Then he seems to be thinking, looking a little confused before he speaks.

"Mei?" The old guy asks, after looking at Yo for a few minutes, then at P'Bright who nods.

"Look." Yo tells him, taking the wig off. "He's a cute boy."

This is bad, the guys mouth dropped open, the girls shocked but blushing, Yo pushes Rome into P'Bright's lap, who catches him. They both stare up at him.

"See Grandpa." Yo giggles. "A grandson that's dating a guy, tell your friends!"

"Finally!" Grandpa says smiling. "Welcome to the family young man."

I feel dizzy, I sit down pulling a chair, Ming follows.

"Get up! Check out in 20 minutes."

I sit up, someone's yelling and banging on the door? I look around, where the hell am I? I'm not wearing my shirt? This is not my room, the colour is strange, and two other people are in the bed with me.

"Why am I, in just my boxers?" I ask.

"Why is the bathroom wall see through?" Ming questions.

"I have long hair?" Yo's confused. "And why the hell, am I wearing a dress?"

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