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*Paisley's POV*

"Lyla," I groaned, cuddling into Lonzo more, "Go back to sleeepppp."
"No!" she giggled as she continued to jump on Lonzo and I. Lonzo laughed and sat up a bit. I started not to feel very good. "Take her Lonzo!" I sat up. He grabbed her off my lap as I stood up, jogging to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and threw up in the toilet. I flushed the toilet and sighed. Shit... I rinsed my mouth out with some mouth wash and walked out. "Babe," I look at him.
"Are you okay??" he asked, worried.
"Baby I think I'm pregnant," I told him.
"Really??" he looked at me. I could tell he was shocked but I could also tell he was excited. "No way," he started to form a smile.
"I was supposed to have my period two days ago but I figured I was just a few days late but the morning sickness just confirmed it," I smiled small at him. He stood up, setting Lyla back on the bed. He hugged me tight and smiled big. "Oh my god," He whispered. I hugged back and smiled bigger.

"When are we going to Chino?" I asked, making Lyla and him lunch.
"Well for Thanksgiving," he said, "So you wanna go there Wednesday and then stay till Saturday cause Gelo's birthday?"
"Yeah that's fine," I smiled small, nodding. I continued to make their food and then I put it on plates. I cut Lyla's up small and handed Lonzo's his. "Mine!!" Lyla scolded him.
"I got yours right here Lyla," I laughed a bit. I blew on her food and then set it down on her tray. I handed her a fork and sat down at the table by Lonzo. "You going to eat?" he asked. I shook my head no. "No," I sighed.
"Why? You need to be eating baby," he sighed.
"It makes me wanna throw up," I sighed.
"Oh," He nodded and rubbed my back a bit as he ate. I watched Lyla as she ate her food too. I cant believe I'm pregnant... We are going to have a little family of our own...

We got Lyla down for her nap about an hour after lunch. "I need to make a doctor appointment," I told Lonzo, sitting on the couch.
"Oh yeah," he nodded. I got my phone out and started to dial the number. I talked to the receptionist about making an appoint. I hung the phone up and went to the calendar. I wrote on the date of the appointment the time. "What day?" Lonzo asked.
"Monday at 6PM," I told him, walking back.
"Oh okay I should be done with practice by then," he smiled at me, wrapping his arm around me. "Are you nervous?" he asked.
"No," I shook my head, "When I was pregnant with Lyla I was terrified."
"I bet," he nodded.
"I've been through it once, alone, so I think I can handle it," I smiled at him, "Are you scared?"
"No," he chuckled, "I have Lyla. Well I guess I mean I'm kind of nervous cause I've never dealt with like newborn kids so maybe a little nervous." He chuckled. I nodded and kissed his cheek. "you'll do amazing," I giggled.
"Thanks," He smiled at me.
"I need to tell Mia though," I nodded.
"Oh yeah she would be pissed if you didn't tell her," Lonzo laughed. I agreed, laughing with him. I got my phone out and called Mia. I waited a few rings and then she answered.
"What's up?" Mia asked, cheery.
"I have big, big news," I told her, smiling.
"You're engaged?!" she gasped.
"No," I laughed, "I'm 99% sure I'm pregnant."
"No way!!" she squealed, "Oh my god yes!! Another whittle cutie pie oh my god!!" I giggled a bit as I listened to her squeal and giggled in excitement. "When did you find out!?" 
"This morning I had morning sickness," I told her. 
"Does Lonzo know!?" she asked.
"Yeah I told him this morning," I giggled.
"Awe yay!" she squealed again, "What does Lyla think of it?!"
"I haven't really explained to her yet," I laughed a bit.
"How do you even explain that to a baby?" she laughed.
"I don't know, we will figure it out," I giggled a bit, "But we are going to Chino Wednesday through Saturday so we need to hang out when you can."
"Oh okay definitely!" she agreed, "But I'm with Kyle right now I'll talk to you later yeah?"
"Sounds good," I laughed a bit. I hung the phone up and put my head on Lonzo's shoulder. "I cant believe we are going to have another baby," I sighed happily.
"I know," he smiled big, "I just hope my dad is okay with it..."
"I know," I sighed, "He just started to like me."
"I know," Lonzo laughed a bit, "I think he will be okay with it. I know my mom will be really happy."
"I know," I smiled, "She was really happy about Lyla and Lyla isn't even yours." 
"I know,' he laughed and held me closer. I smiled and put my hand on my stomach. I cant wait for this to happen...

Awe yay another whittle babyyyy. Do you think It'll be a boy or a girl??  

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