Chapter 13 Saviour Part 1

Start from the beginning

'Look, I-I know you want us to understand. I get it, I do. But things just got a bit out of control with Amber and...everything,' I motioned vaguely behind me and heard Amber's soft snort of disapproval at referring to her injury as merely 'a bit out of control'.

'Maybe you should just try to explain it better so we-' Another vague motion, this time taking in Amber and myself. '-can understand properly?'

I waited with baited breath for his answer, feeling this situation could go either way. Having no idea what I was doing I resisted the urge to ramble on some more, and gave him time to think about my offer. All I knew was that perhaps if I spoke to him like an equal he might respond better then to the demands of a 'victim'.

After what seemed like an age a relieved smile broke out across Jared's face, and he pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.

'Yeah...yeah let's do that. I'll explain it right to you and you'll understand.' He stated as though it was his idea. I could feel Ambers gaze burning into the back of my skull like a drill. Still, it seemed to have worked. He was calmer anyway.

'Alex...' Amber muttered uncertainly from behind me. Jared's head snapped up.

'He's fine. Just unconscious, I promise. I wouldn't hurt him.' He answered softly, and I could almost hear the stream of angry come-backs forming in Amber's mind, but was certain she wasn't stupid enough to say any aloud.

'Maybe you should bring him inside so you can explain to him too when he wakes up?' I suggested, foolishly overestimating Jared's self control. In all honesty I should've seen this coming; it wasn't clever of me to sound so concerned about Alex in front of him.

'Why do you even care?' Jared muttered, his voice deadly quiet. I heard Amber's quiet intake of breath behind me and my heart began to speed up in response. I couldn't think of anything to say. Not one, single thing.

'W-well if he doesn't understand he's going to think you're still dangerous, but if you explain to all of us together then he won't.' Amber explained, her voice straining with the effort to keep her emotions in check. I breathed a silent sigh of relief, and she squeezed my hand, which she hadn't let go of when I'd stood up. Jared nodded slowly, but he didn't seem convinced.

'I'll get Alex, we should, uh, sit down. I want to explain this right.' He gestured to the living room, inviting me to take a seat on my own settee. I couldn't help but feel a sharp stab of annoyance at this, in spite of the situation. Jared strode confidently outside to retrieve Alex's unconscious form from wherever he'd dumped him. Amber immediately stood up, pushing me in the direction of the living room. For the briefest of moments I considered trying to run away again, but he'd only catch up and we'd be back in this situation. Minus Alex.

'What are we gonna do?' She hissed in my ear, shooting sharp glances behind her to check for Jared's return.

'I don't know!' I whispered back, hopelessness colouring my tone. Amber's shoulders slumped and I lead her to the brown settee her dog currently inhabited. The three of us nestled closely together, seeking comfort from contact. Amber was in the centre seat, with me and her dog at her flanks. 'Let's just let him talk, pretend we believe his bull, and then call for help ASAP.' She suggested in a whisper. I silently nodded my agreement and heaved an uneven sigh when we heard the thud of Jared's shoes on the hallway carpet, heaving the dead weight which was Alex. Jared dragged Alex into the living room, somehow managing to keep the carpet free from splatters of dirt and blood. At least I wouldn't get any hassle from mum about staining her carpet. The normality of this thought made me giggle. Of all the things to worry about at a time like this. Amber stared at me, eyes wide, evidently thinking I'd lost it. Even Jared sent me an odd glance, then again he was carefully settling an unconscious boy into one of my mothers arm chairs so he had no right to think ME weird. He let Alex slump in the chair before wiping sweat from his brow and turning to face us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2010 ⏰

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Life of a..special..sixteen year old. (no I'm not a vampire, eesh)Where stories live. Discover now