Chapter 4- Answers - Part 2

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Chapter 4 Part 2.


'I guess you have some questions for me?' He smiled a little guiltily at me. Well, this was easier than I thought it was going to be.

'Yeah, and I guess you probably have some for me too.' I returned his smile half-heartedly. Having only just realised, he was probably just as curious about me as I was about him.

'I do, but...what's that saying? Ladies first.' He replied, answering his own question, and nodding his head in a gentlemanly fashion. I took it that I was the lady he was referring to.

'Ok, well how can you, y'know...' I gestured towards him, trying to find the right words. ' the thing.' I finished lamely. I really did have a way with words. He chuckled.

'I don't actually know the science behind it I was just born this way. Why, do you know something about it?' He questioned, looking intrigued.

'Well actually no, but I think it's a genetic thing. I have a family member that can do it too.' I answered, purposely not mentioning any specific family member. Although he probably could have picked it out of my head if he wanted to, I didn't think he would. Then again, I didn't really know Alex all that well.

'Really? I've thought about that theory before, but since I hardly know any of my family I've never really had the chance to look into it...' He trailed off, seemingly absorbed in his own thoughts. I had half a mind to join him in his mind, but immediately discarded that idea. I had been the one to set that particular ground rule, what kind of impression did I want to set? Instead I waited for a few moments, giving him time to finish whatever thought track he was on. It was odd how calm I seemed to feel around him now, how patient I was prepared to be with him. While I waited I gave him a quick once over, his hair was different today. He hadn't styled it, or he had styled it to look like it hadn't been styled, why do people do that? Instead of his usual sleek, tousled look, it was a little messier today, flopping over his eye, so only one was visible. He had on plain black jeans, and a red jacket, thrown hastily over his shirt. It was as I was staring critically at his choice of clothing, his eyes seemed to sharpen, focus, and snap back to the present. He looked embarrassed.

'Sorry, I didn't mean to zone out like that. It's just interesting.' An apologetic look accompanied his hasty explanation.

'S'ok. It is interesting,' I admitted in what I hoped was an understanding voice.

'Well, I guess you're wondering why you've never seen me until two weeks ago, huh? Not that you would have been staring at me anyway, I just mean-' He spluttered hopelessly, I decided to help the guy out.

'I know what you mean, and yeah, I have been wondering that. Did you move or something?' I asked, hoping he had just used initiative to know I was thinking that very question. He nodded.

'Yeah. Well, I just did what the voices told me to do.' He looked grave. I blinked. Oh joy, creepy stalker boy was back. He bit his lip.

'Bad time for a joke...sorry about that.' He gave me a remorseful smile. Relief flooded through me, terrible joke that it was, I couldn't help returning his grin. It was infectious.

'I've always lived in town, but when we moved the journey to my old school was just too far. So I had to switch schools.' He explained, with a sad smile. Although I'd never admit this to him, I was starting to be really glad he had moved schools. No, don't think that; remember he's a mind reader. He could be listening. He'd better not be. I mentally shook myself, enough with the mind babbling.

'Oh,' I replied, unsure what to say. I was really stretching my vocabulary skills today; he had clearly met his intellectual match in me.

'Have you told anyone else, about what you can do?' He asked, suddenly.

'A few family members know, that's it though. I think it's best that way. Why, who knows about you?' I asked, hoping I wasn't crossing some sort of personal line. From the way he'd talked about his family, it didn't exactly sound like he had a functioning relationship with them.

'Nobody, only you.' He gazed at me with steady eyes, measuring my reaction to this piece of information I assumed. I tried not to look too shocked; he could be lying of course. I didn't believe he was, not for a moment. That was when it struck me that somehow, some time during our two brief conversations, I had started to trust him, and that made no sense. I was still trying to be practical of course; I had only just met him. However, something about Alex drew me in. Weird. Trying to shake that thought, I started to form another question to put to Alex when I heard a male voice from behind me.

'Alex!' It yelled. I turned to find myself facing Amber's new boyfriend, Jared Marks. He was tall, taller then Alex even. Classically handsome, his blonde hair, bleached either by the sun or a salon bottle, had a natural wave to it, framing his angular features. He was exactly Amber's type. I gave Alex a questioning look, since when did these two know each other. Jared looked down at me in recognition.

'So, I see you two have met?' He asked, a look of polite confusion evident on his face.

It was at this moment Amber made an appearance, clearly expecting the corridor to be empty she was screeching, I mean singing, loudly to herself.

'Oh yeaaaaah baby-' She stopped dead seeing the three of us. A dull blush rose in her cheeks. For a moment, nobody spoke. Nobody moved. Hell, nobody breathed.

It was Jared who thankfully broke the silence. He took two light strides towards Amber, snaking his arm around her waist, she gave him a sunny smile, not before shooting me a questioning look, which I tried hard to ignore.

'Amber, this is Alex. Alex, Amber. I don't think you've met?' Jared asked, still looking a little confused. Amber shook her head and turned her smile on Alex who nodded in reply. Ok, this was a twist. Since when did Jared and Alex know each other? Before I had time to even shape this thought into a coherent question, I was interrupted by Jared. God, he was such an interrupt-er.

'So, have you two met already?' Although Jared's question wasn't directed towards either me or Alex specifically, he didn't take his eyes from Alex. I felt my cheeks begin to heat up, like a kid with her hand caught in a cookie jar, not that we have a cookie jar or anything, but that's just the saying.

'We just met,' Alex replied, looking equally as uncomfortable. I hoped I was doing a better job at hiding it.

'Did you find your coat?' Amber requested, giving me a stern look. I knew she was going to bombard me with questions as soon as Alex and Jared were gone. I gave her a sheepish smile.

'Yeah, I forgot I didn't bring one today.' I mumbled my pre-prepared excuse, sincerely hoping Amber didn't know more then her knowing grin was letting on.

'So, you two know each other...' I let my comment trail off into a question, hoping I sounded casual.

'Yeah, Alex used to come into the pet shop all the time.' He answered, Alex snorted. 'That was before you worked there though. Things have definitely picked up lately.' Jared continued, gazing down at Amber, he squeezed her waist. Not that I wasn't thrilled that Amber was happy, but I didn't really want to see her ogling Jared right in front of me. It was not a comfortable experience. Alex cleared his throat, loudly.

'Well, I should get going...' Alex shifted his back-pack more securely onto his shoulder, and with a feeble wave, he left.

'We should go too,' I said, I didn't really want to face the huge torrent of questions I knew she was going to dump on me, but I might as well get it over with.

'What about your-' Amber began, looking a little annoyed.

'I can do my homework another day.' I interrupted, giving Jared an apologetic smile.

Amber nodded, I strode through the main school doors, giving her and Jared a moment to tear themselves away from each other, however they were going to do that. I wasn't sure how the young folk of today said goodbye to each other, but I didn't think I wanted to find out. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for Amber's questions, trying hard not to notice the lone figure walking across the school parking lot.

Thanks for reading! Please comment with any feedback, always appreciated! Sorry it's not a lot, I'm trying to write as fast as I can, but I have to study and such, so I don't have as much time as I'd like to write :)

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