"Hey Dallas" y/n said. "Don't apologize" he said. "You don't understand" i said. "Try me" y'n said and i knew he could see the hurt in my eyes. "Dallas I think you had something to say" i heard his dad say. "No i don't think he did or at least not something he'd actually mean" i interjected. "I'm Sorry you are" his dad said. "A close friend of Dallas'" he said. "No need to set five plates he accepted my moms request to have dinner at our house" y/n said putting my hands on his shoulders and heading toward the door.

"I just don't understand" i started off as we pulled into his drive way. "What" he questioned as we got off. "The fact that he always takes austin's side i mean i'm his son and he doesn't act like it to me. Austins always making it worse. He acts like he doesn't see it but he does. And to both of them hes the perfect child im just the family dissapointment" i said with my eyes watering. "I didnt ask to be the child of cheaters. That was my dad and his actions." i continued and i could tell he was a bit confused. "Me and austin aren't twins not even fraternal that's his mom but not mine. My dad was having an affair with some woman and neither of them wanted me to ruin their lives because that woman also had a family so one of them had to take me. We were born in the same month but not day" I said. "I found out one night when i woke up they were arguing about my grades" i said looking down sniffling . He just pulled me into a big bear hug "Its okay" he said with his voice cracking. "I was 12 when i found out and they thought Itd be easier if they said we were twins and I just- i just didn't ask for this and they act like i did" i Said hugging him as if my life depended on it. "Just let it all out" he said as i started crying. I Didn't relize it but i ended up falling asleep somehow when i woke up i was on the couch.

Y/ns pov
He must've been emotionally drained beyond what i could imagine because he ended up falling asleep. This guy baseball superstar has had to deal with this. He may act tough on the outside but i knew there had to be something more than what meets the eyes. i carried him to the couch because i knew i couldn't carry him up the stairs. I wasn't sure what to do but i knew i should probably be here when he woke up. My mom got home about an hour later. "Who's on the couch" she asked as she peeked her head in the kitchen. "That's my friend.Do you mind if he spends the night"I asked. "Of course not" she said going upstairs to shower. "Hey im gonna get going" i heard dallas say. "I asked my mom she said you could spend the night" i said. "Y/n you don't have to pitty me" he said. "Theres no way im letting you sleep there especially not in that emotional state your in" i said. "Ive been fine before" he said. "Well now you have me looking out for you too" i said. "Seriously" he asked in disbelief. "Of course. Why wouldnt i youre my best-. You're my best  friend" i said out loud for the first time. "People usually prefer austin thats why" he said. "Well i don't so sit down relax. We could play COD zombies like we planned to while my mom starts cooking" i said. "Sure thing" he said. "Cool. Text the guys to get on" I said to him so we could play with our friends.

A while passed and I heard a knock on my door. "Hey" I heard Camila say peaking her head in. "Hey babe" I said taking my headset off. "Hey Dallas" she added seeing him sitting on the chair. "Hey Camila" he said waving to her from the ground. "We were waiting for you but I'll let the girls know you're busy" she said. I was now standing in front of her "yeah sorry about that. Something happened and He needs me" I said whispering the last part. "I'll call you later" I said. "Okay. Bye" she said kissing me. "Hey y/n" I heard Alejandro say from downstairs. "Yeah" I yelled back bring me your keys to your car your mom said you've been having trouble with it"
He said. "Give me a second I'm almost done with the match" I said. Almost everyone of our friends started laughing. "Of course" he said walking into my room. "I'll just take these" he said grabbing them off my desk. "Thank you" I said. "Yeah I'll check it out and then tell you" he said walking out of the room. "Wow if i would've done that my dad would've been pissed" he said surprised. "Ah that's because he's not" I said. "What do you mean" he asked confused. "Father figure yes. Actual father no" I said. "Oh stepdad got it" he said. I just chuckled "haha no. That's Lauren's dad. Me and her have been best friends since we were in kindergarten and her dad was always there for me before and after my dad left. He made sure to take me to my little league games, took me out with Lauren when we got good grades and more" I said.

Cafe 427 (Camila/You)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن