Chapter 8

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"Okay so I was thinking first we could head to the diner it's after school and that's everybody's go to spot." She said excitedly as we walked to the car. "And then after that" I asked as we entered the car. "Well get there but first we gotta pick up Sofi and Steven from school" she said if it wasn't for her I would've forgotten. "Okay then to the school it is" I said and started driving to the elementary school. On our way we made small talk about the day and how I liked it. We arrived at the school and got off to wait for them. We were early to pick them up and we were there waiting with the other parents outside of the classrooms. "Hey y/n" I heard someone say. I turned my head to the Side and I seen Austin standing next to me.

"Austin" I said a bit mad. "Yeah how'd you know my name" he said. "What do you mean you talked to me at lunch and demanded that I sit at your table" i asked confused. "No I didn't I didn't even go to school today" he asked confused as well. "But you talked to me" his eyes widened in realization. "It was Dallas" he said under his breath. "What was that" I asked. "Look man I'm sorry about today it must've been my twin brother Dallas he must've pretended to be me today with his two friends" he said. Just then the bell rang and teachers were starting to let the kids out. "How do I know your not lying" I asked. "Yeah that does sound like a lie" he said while thinking. "Austin" a little boy screamed. "hey buddy how's it going" Austin asked him. "Good are we going to play at your house" he asked. "Yes we are. We can play ninjas or spies" he said excitedly. "Ninjas is Dallas gonna play with us" he asked and now I did believe that it wasn't him at lunch. "I don't know buddy we can ask him" he said. "This is Joe my cousin. Now do you believe me" Austin said. "Yeah sorry" I said. "Don't worry about it its not your fault" he said as we shook hands. "We should hang out sometime" i said. "I know your new and all but I don't think you want to hang out with me" he said. "And whys that" I asked. "Im not really the cool type that's my brother" he said putting his finger quotations on the cool part. "Well if status actually matters it's a good thing that I'm not the cool type either" I said. "Okay then sure" he said. "Hey Camila" he said. "Hey Dallas" she said with a smile. "It's Austin" he said. "You know you got some guys talking to us after what you said at lunch today" Camila said. "Y/N and I settled this already it wasn't me it was Dallas" he said a bit irritated. "Yeah but you walked up with James and no- ohh" she said realizing he was telling the truth. "Ohh is correct. I don't hang out with James and Noah. But see you guys later bye" he said. "See you later" I said as he walked off. I seen Steve walking out of the classroom and he ran to me and hugged me. "Y/n it was so much fun today I made new friends he's one of them" he said while pointing to Austin's cousin joe. "That's great Steve" I said. "Can we go get ice cream now" he asked remembering what I told him yesterday. "yes we can" "can Sofi come" he asked with the puppy dog eyes. "Of course" I said. We all started walking back to the car. "I hope you don't mind going out for ice cream first" I asked camila. "Not at all it was on the list of places to go" she said.

That car ride was filled with Sofi and Steve talking to us about their day. We got their and we chose a booth in the corner by the window. "I'll go get the ice cream what kind should I get you and Sofi" I asked her. "She'll just have vanilla in a cone and I'll have chocolate" she said as she handed me money. I was about to speak but she spoke again "let me pay for once" she said and I just agreed. I walked up to the counter and ordered. While I was waiting I glanced back at our table and I couldn't help but admire how good she was with children. "You and her make a cute couple and you have wonderful children" the older woman said as she was scooping the ice cream. "Oh no they aren't ours he's my brother and she's her sister" I responded quickly. "Oh my mistake but you do make a wonderful couple. I didn't want to make her frown so I just agreed. "Thank you I will tell her you said that" "Here you go" she said and I thanked her. I walked to the table smiling to myself while laughing quietly. "Ice creams here I said as I handed them out. "Can we take it to the home I want to show Sofi my toys" Steve said. "Yeah I don't mind Sofi can stay at my house while we go out to explore" I said. "Yeah That'd be perfect" she said and we drove to my house.

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