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Howdy, its. A new chapter. Read it. Please.

You loved coming to the music department. After Henry was situated and he got into his animating, you snuck your way to the music department. You sat with Norman Polk listening to the band swinging. Norman was the brother you never had, besides Sammy. He was a middle-aged African-American man, sweet, caring, strong, and while you guys sat listening to the band. He told you about how he goes and protest for the african-American people and racial discrimination.

After chilling with Norman. You went to the recoding booth where you watched Susie or any other voice actor record. You loved hearing Susie sing. It was very heavenly, and it was beautiful like her.

Susie Campbell. The reason you like ladies in the first place. She was a very charming woman. Her blond hair When you came down to see her she would light up. Loving that one day you could be voice acting characters like her. You told that you will become a voice actor one day just for her. She smiled and said one day you and her could work together on a show.

Susie was great and beautiful, but you also had feelings for the intern. Allison Pendle. Now she had a voice. It was beautiful, what you'd expect from a angel. Maybe thats why Sammy replaced Susie. But that live was unrequited. Allison had eyes for a another animator. So you moved on.

But in reality, you liked the marketing part of Joey drew business. You talked during lunch with Grant Cohen about how Joey Drew was a madman not knowing how much all his idea would cost. Wally Franks joined you and Grant during Lunch.

Wally was a little brother to you.Being the youngest two at Joey Drew Studios, you two had a lot in common. You guys loved pranking each other and other people at the studio. Bendy joined in on the fun sometimes. Most of the time, when Wally was cleaning you and Bendy replaced his water with ink. He was so mad at you. One time you and Wally put some tape around the entrance door, so whoever's sorry soul walked through the door they would get a face full of tape. You guys had to stop it though, the bossman Joey Drew walked through the door. Wally Franks was almost fired that day. But you took the fall. You didn't want Wally to lose his only way of income.

Joey Drew hated your antics and you hated Joey Drew. You and the man never seemed to get along.

You growled thinking about that Joey. Henry picked up on this really quick. He placed his hand on your shoulder." Cmon kid lets find a way to open that gate. You knock three time on the door nothing happened. Then you remembered something from long ago.

Sammy told you how to get into this room. He trusted that you wouldn't tell anyone else. Also you left your favorite book in there."Uncle,Sammy told me how to do this when I was younger". You announce. Henry smiles," Alright, then do it.". Henry tells you. You are hesitant, your brother wouldn't want someone else to find how to open his sanctuary. You start your push your Uncle out of the room. He tries to push back and get into the room."Y/n what is the meaning of this"? He shouts."Sammy wouldn't want you to know how open it, it wont take that long just chill here until i open it. I'll come back when its finished." You respond.

Henry sighs and nods his head. You run to balcony turn on the projector. Then you jump down it and you play some strings on the fiddle, then play the right keys of the piano, then you pick up the banjo and skillfully play it. Last you bang the drum a few times. After that the gate rises. You enter and turn off the flow.

You leave Sammy's sanctuary. Some ink monsters pop up you finish them off quickly. You look up at the balcony. To see a person standing there. You wave to the person. They kept staring at you. Like they were looking into your soul. You walk out the room to see your uncle mid-battle with those ink things.

Two chapters in one day, Stephy do you have a life. Answer is no, no i don't. Anyway see you tomorrow Ciao

Alice Angel x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now