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Howdy part 3, Enjoy it. Alice might make another voice appearance in this chapter.

As you guys ran, you saw the exit. You smile as you and Henry ran for the exit. Few feet away from the exit now.
Out of nowhere you guys fall, down some hole in the floor.

"DAMNIT UNCLE WRONG LEVER"you yell as you guys fall down the hole. You land on your feet, because your boss. The old man not so much. He lands face first. You try and hold in your laughter as you help the old man up."Come on, we have to keep searching". You tell him stifling your laughter. Henry scowls at you. You guys walk around. Henry finds a axe. You try and take it from him."Give me it Uncle, you might hurt yourself". He smirks and justs walks away. You follow him.

You guys found a room where there was a pentagram on it."What the hell was there cult prac-" Henry falling to the ground cuts you off. You grab him before he falls to the floor." Uncle you alright". He doesn't answer. You place him on the wall letting him sleep.

You take out your phone locking for signal."Damn no signal". You growl. You put the phone back in your pocket. You touch your arm, which has blood and ink on it."Is there any bandages around here?" you ask yourself. You take off your jacket and rip one of the arms off. You wrap the jacket arm around your injured arm.

You feel your eyelids become heavy and before you know it you doze off.

Feeling someone tap your shoulder, you open your eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes you always loved stare back at you.  Leaning up you capture her in a kiss, closing your eyes It was passionate, this woman is everything you could want.

Then something wet falls in your face. Breaking the kiss, you open your eyes and widened them. Who is this? This can't be her. The woman smirks and jumps at you. You close your eyes....

And your back at the studio. Frantically touching your face you make sure you don't have any ink on your face. Sighing you drag you hands down your face.

Staring in front of you, your mind drifts back to this dream. Was that really her? It was but was the other one her too? You don't know. You need answers.

Before you could think some more,Uncle Henry stir beside you. Henry opens his eyes."Y/n you ok?" Henry ask. You only nod.

Henry gets up and picks up his axe."Well,I guess there is only one thing to do:press on. See if we can find a way out". You get up and wait for Henry to cut up the wood on the door.

You guys walk through the door.
Henry says out loud"How did this place get so big". You continue to walk around the place. You find a recording of Sammy Lawrence, the head music director. And your blood brother.

Voice of Sammy Lawrence

He appears in the shadows to rain his sweet blessing upon me. The figure of ink that shines in darkness.  I see you my savior. I pray that you here me.

Those old songs,yes, I still sing to them. For I know you are coming to save me. And I will be swept in your final loving embrace.

But,love requires sacrifice
Can I get an amen?

"Amen,Sammy ,Amen" you joke. Henry glares at you. Behind you both hear"I said Can I get an amen". You and Henry quickly turn around weapon ready to find no one. "Huh that's weird, I could have sworn. Sammy was behind us right"? You ask your Uncle. He nods his head.

You shake it off and continue to walk around the place. You find pentagrams with Bendy cutouts on them, like he was being praised as a god or something.

You guys walk until you get to a hallway filled with ink. You know you'll get your nice (color pants) all inky."No way am I going in there" you say. Henry shakes his head and starts walking. When he sees that your not behind him he stops."Come on,Y/n its just ink." Henry tries. It didn't convince you. You stayed put."Y/n ain't going,old man" you tell Henry.
Henry sighs and pretends to give up."Alright,maybe I'll find Susie or Alice by myself" Henry starts walking.

You growl then jump in the ink and try your best to catch up. Up ahead you hear Henry try to catch someones attention."Hello, excuse me? Can you help me,Hello?" Henry exits the ink and comes to find no one. Weird. You finally get out of the ink. Practically crying."My shoes, there gone"you sob. Henry rolls his eyes at you."Come on Y/n,we have to continue". Henry instructs. You sigh dejectedly.

You and Henry find a gate with three glowing buttons. You went to press them. Nothing happened.Henry snaps his fingers."We need to power the gate somehow, should be a couple of switches nearby. Then maybe we can open it, lets go searching". Henry instructs. You nod and go on your merry way you find two near the audio log of Sammy.

You meet up back with Henry. He already has the gate open. You continue on your way through the door. Before is another blocked door.
Henry cuts the wood down and you guys enter another area.

A creepy groan is heard as you and Henry enter the area.

The area you enter was the Music department."Its the Music department,Unc"you smile excitedly.

Henry chuckles."Yeah,you use to come down here all the time, you know instead of helping with the animations, I wonder why that might be"? Henry ask himself out loud. You blush and cross your arms." It was to watch the band.

Henry snorts"yeah right you just wanted to see the ladies". Henry starts laughing. You blush more."H-Hey Shut up, they were beautiful ladies could you blame me, I was only a kid."You shout at the older man.

You guys walk and turn a corner to find a exit door that was flooded with ink. You tap your Uncles shoulder and point to it." Looks like it flooded, we have have to find a way to drain it" you observe. You walk in a few feet to find a power switch. You turn it on. The light turned on, you turn around and smile at your uncle." See no darkness anymore." you smile. You walk out feeling a bit off. You look at those ink blotches on the floor. They don't sit right with you.

"Uncle get your axe ready, I'm not feeling to good about those ink puddles." You tell Henry. He nods. The ink puddles then turned into some ink monsters with only hands. You swing first hitting the closest one to you. Henry takes a swing,kills off the next one. You swing your bat hitting two at once. You laugh." Never thought I'd I say this but I like hitting humanoid ink puddles". Henry laughs and grunts when one of the ink things hit him. He swings and kills it. That was the last one. You wipe the little sweat of your face. You and Henry continue on your way.

You guys head to the recording booth. Where the gate to the recording booths and the where the band use to play.

Ayyy.It another one. Ciao

Alice Angel x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now