She's got a Boyfriend Anyway

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The thing is, I don't like doing bad things. It makes me nauseous. The thought of running a stop sign hurt my moral compass – hell, the fact that I was at bar under age last night made me feel the need to go to church on Sunday and pray for forgiveness.

I think, despite, breaking a few rules, they were nothing compared to the ultimate sin I had just committed. No, Brian wasn't my husband, I'm not really sure where we stand with each other at this point, but it's not fair for me to say we had broken up, despite the big fall out we had. We had never officially declared a break up – in fact, both of our Facebook statuses still indicate we're in a relationship with each other (but it's complicated). So in retrospect, I've just committed Adultery, probably.

He had been staring at me, a look of expectation across his features, his composure though, it seemed as if he had almost expected to find me. Maybe he was being enigmatic about coming across me again in such a short time, but it was startling and I felt as if I was being scolded by him.

It was two parts arousing and one part terrifying.

"Oh, Anna, you set the table on fire!" I heard Louise say. There's a sizzling sound before I felt cool liquid drop on to my thighs.

I had assumed that someone had poured a drink among the fire, and of course it was confirmed when Anna had groaned, "Ugh you put soda on my fries."

"Um, how about we go get you some more, on me."

I could feel Anna pout, "But...atty may is ere hay..." her Pig Latin skills could use some help along with her discreteness but I'm sure Louise had managed to pull her away from the table, because Matty had moved from his position leaned on a booth next to ours and began to walk around me. My eyes had followed him until he sat in Anna's then vacant spot.

"Fit friends," He commented lightly.

I felt like a fish out of water with the way my mouth had been opening and closing, not a sound escaping. It had been way too silent as I tried to collect my thoughts, and he must have gotten bored by then fifth minute, because he picks up a soggy fry, discolored by the orange soda that had been poured over it to extinguish the fire that my roommate had started, and he popped it in my mouth, catching the moment where my lips clamped down again.

I couldn't find it in myself to spit it out in disgust, because Matty Healy just fed me a fucking fry, in the most terrible circumstances to ever exist, if I'm not mistaken. So I chew, the rancid taste tingling my taste buds, my gag reflex kicking in, but I was never a quitter, so I swallowed with effort, eyes still exceptionally wide.

"That was disgusting," I mumbled.

He shrugged then, leaning back a bit, eyes still burning into me, "I figured it would be," he admitted, and the way he was now sat made the shirt he had on stretch some at the collar and I had to glance away from his clavicle, where my handiwork from last night had imprinted on to his skin, "Though I didn't quite think you'd swallow." He smirked a bit, not doubt a dirty thought crossing his mind, and I blushed because no doubt that same thought was crossing my mind as well. "You left," he pointed out. He didn't sound too upset about it, just a bit off put. "I was going to offer you some breakfast – I was raised not dragged, I know how to treat a lady." He reached over to my plate, where the soda had not coated and nicked a few fries from me. "You know," he goes on, "You never did tell me why you thought my album was so great." He was acting completely nonchalant about this and I wished I had the ability to ignore whatever happened last night, but I was stuck staring at the way his tongue darted out to lick the salt from his lips from the fries he had just consumed. He waits, as if I was actually going to tell him why I bought his album.

"I..." I didn't know what to say; surely I was more vocal than that. But this...this was completely insane. "It had some catchy tunes...?" It had come out more like a question, but it seemed a good enough answer for him.

That 000000 & ffffff || Matty Healy Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum