Mother Assassin Part 2

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Robin gulp. What did he do wrong? As long as he can remember, he was having a perfect day. He wasn't like Jason, rebellious-daddy-issue-criminal. He wasn't like Dick, he doesn't have any job commitment just yet or Damian as the Ra's heir.

Talia take out some pictures and show it in front of his face. It was him during the school day, clay sculpturing during art subject.

Robin frown, "And....?" He is confuse.

Talia sighing and points to a part of the picture , "What are you doing?"

"Sculpturing?" It was obvious.

"Sculpturing what?" She points to the clay that looks like a tower of crap with a long tiny crap on its back.

"....A cat? Or maybe... Batman in a cat version?" Robin looks down. His hands are for technologies, not for the detailed arts that required tons of skills.

Talia rip the pictures, "Your skill is an embarassment. I order you to take a lesson here until I'm satisfied with your result. I despise anything that you lack."

Robin's eyes turn wide, "WHAT?! Mother , I have a tight schedule for school, homework, patrol and a part of the team. I dont have time for the art lesson!"

"Shuuush child! I'm not compromise any of your low act. I shall tell my beloved if that's what makes you take the lesson" Talia's hand grip her own hip.

Robin sigh and looks down, "....Fine Mother. When will I shall start?"

The so called demon kid snickers, "You can start tonight, Drake. As your instructor, I'm going to make you kneel before me and feels my wrath of arts"

"WHAT?!! MOTHER, ANYONE BUT HIM!! WHY SHOULD I HAVE DAMIAN AS MY TEACHER AND NOT ONE OF YOUR MAN?!!" Robin almost scream. Please not him. It's a hell.

"Tt Drake, I'm the most superior here. No one have the better art knowledge than me. Not even the League's best teacher could beat me " Damian cross his arms and smirks.

"I rather die than taking lessons from you" Robin grit his teeth.

"Well then, go die. I'll just spread your Wondergirl's stash to everyone after your body reached underground." Damian's smirk gets wider.


A 'clack' sound could be heard from Robin's seat. He managed to unlocked the cuff before he jumps like a predator towards the kid Damian. Damian block and kick his body, Robin block the kick and trying to punch the kid. Both of them wrestled and rolling on the floor.

The ninjas around them avoid the bodies on the floor like it's something they've seen everyday. It's so common.

The team just stares with a widen eyes, looking at their so calm Robin turns wild after a second the kid called Damian walks in. The bat brothers and Talia aren't looking surprised at all.

Talia walks in front of Nightwing and open his handcuffs from the seat, using a button on the wall "My father and I wished to see you and Timothy over dinner."

Nightwing rubs his wrists, "When?"

"This Friday. I need you to practice with Damian and teach some of our men with combats. Father wished to discuss about his plan and technology with Timothy . Jason will be here until next week for his shooting lesson" Talia talk as Nightwing stand up and stretch himself.

"What's cookin'? I hope it's something Asian" Nightwing smiles. A continuous screams and thuds could be heard from behind.

"I'll talk to the head chef over your craving. For now, " Talia turns her back and walks to the door , "take your team out of here. And.."

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