Mama Cat

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The Team were separated into 3 squads for the mission. The mission for them are easy, way too easy, that's what they thought. Nightwing purposely let them go with the easy missions for teamwork practice. They only need to patrol across the Gotham, just because Batman is going to have an oversea's meeting for a week and Nightwing found this opportunity to challenge the Team. No maniacs broken up from Arkham yet, so it should be easy. Should be.

Alpha Squad; Miss Martian, Beastboy, Batgirl
Beta Squad : Superboy, Blue Beetle, Lagoon Boy
Gamma Squad : Robin, Impulse, Wondergirl
Monitor Squad : Nightwing, Aqualad, Malcolm

Alpha Squad is checking the Gotham's sky, Beta Squad is checking the ground while Gamma Squad is checking the sewer. They managed to take down a few thugs without any problems. Nightwing, Kaldur and Mal are in the Mission Room, looking over screens, satisfied with the visual over the cities.

Nightwing click a button from the hologram computer, "Alpha Squad, Beta Squad, Gamma Squad, how's the situations?"

A video screens pops out around the three members. Miss Martian hold her screen to behind her, "No casualty, some thugs has been taken out for a small crimes and has been sent to Commissioner Gordon"

Nightwing and the others turn their head to Gamma Squad, "No bad guys down here" said Impulse, that showed his face behind Robin, "The only things that bad here is the smell. Wuuushhh" he wave his hand, imitating how smelly it is. Robin shrug his own shoulder away from Impulse, "Nothing here."

Kaldur nods, they turned their head to Beta Squad. A worried face of Superboy could be seen from the screen, "Superboy, what's wrong?" Superboy turn his face to the visual com.

"I heard a beeping sound from a warehouse here, I tried to use my super x-ray to see the things inside, but the whole structure is made by lead. We tried to open the entrance, but I don't wanted put any unnecessary risk on it." Superboy show the warehouse and the entrance.

Nightwing raise his eyebrow, "That's one of the new buildings that Wayne Enterprise has built to store their old products. But, I didn't get any alert from Wayne Enterprise about this. And the lead structure too..." Nightwing begin tapping his fingers on the hologram keyboard.

"Superboy, stay there. I'll bring Alpha Squad and Gamma Squad to you. Batgirl and Robin could hack the entrance system and all of you could check the warehouse."

Kaldur looks over the screen, "Everything's all right, Nightwing?"

"Yeah, it doesn't makes any sense. I never heard from Batman about the lead warehouse and there are no intruder alert from the Wayne's" Nightwing keep tapping, searching for any signs of troubles.

"Hope it won't give us enough troubles." Say Malcolm.


"Urmm...guys, we got problem." All eyes turns over the screen, where Robin and Batgirl trying to hack into the entrance with their glove hologram computer. Behind them are the young heroes, waiting for the pair to finish their job.

"What do you mean?" asked Kaldur. Nightwing squint his eyes from Kaldur's side, still looking at the screen.

Robin looks up to the communication screen, "The technology for this is far too heavy for my glove computer. We need my main laptop for this." Nightwing's eyes turns wide, "What?!"

Batgirl turns his face towards the screen, "This technology is linked to Bruce Wayne's new defense technology that supposed to keep a dangerous vault. Ever heard of anything like this?"

Nightwing shakes his head, "No, never heard of it. Batman didn't told me about it. Superboy, how's the beeping sound?"

Superboy cupped his ear and close his own eyes, "The beeping has been increased in the past two minutes."

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