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  Hours later nothing mattered, not the car, not the anger for Adam not showing up at the hospital.

  Camille was there, along with Ryan and now Aurora had Joined them. Katie was happy to be left to stay with her best friend. She was holding a cup of tea and sipped slowly since her neck was in a brace.  It had been several hours without news from Matthew.

  How fragile a life can be if not protected? Every moment before comes back to reassure or to haunt you. Ryan kept on thinking of his boyfriend that morning. If only he had convinced him to stay... but no. He held onto that promise of him coming back.

  The doctors had arrived quickly to the site and partly that's why he didn't loose so much blood.  However, he did break several ribs, a collar bone. And thanks to the fact he did have a seat belt on, he didn't go out flying. He also had several arm cuts thanks to the glass but his face was intact because he used his arms as cover.

  Dr Thornton came to the waiting room. "The parents of Matthew Spencer ?

    Camille got up. Her face showed strong signs of stress. She was asked to accompany the doctor.

  Ryan immediately got up. He wanted to be called in too.

  "We are all the family that my son is close to. Can he come in with me?" She begged.

  "Yes but no noise please. He is stable but needs to stay calm." The doctor instructed. "I'm sorry but he has several broken ribs, broken collarbone, spinal trauma and mainly cuts on his arm."

  Camille just nodded and walked in silence. Ryan tried not to utter a sound even if he wanted to scream. He knew if he did, he would not be allowed inside the room.

  There he lay, immobilized. The heat monitor was the only sound in the sterilized room. Matthew slept for the time being. His face was bruised and his neck surrounded by the neck brace. He would not be allowed to leave for a while.

  Since they could not disturb him much, Camille just went up to his head to caress his hair. She could not help crying. She made the biggest effort to utter the smallest sound of crying. Ryan went to the opposite side. He caressed his fingers, feeling as if he was going to fall. Images of the previous days flew in his mind. It almost seemed unreal that his boyfriend was there laying unconscious.

Suddenly Matthew gripped Ryan's fingers. he wanted to move but realized everything hurt. So he just made a loud exclamation and tried to breathe slowly to regain control of the pain.

"Baby we are here. You are in good hands. Just worry about getting well... We will be visiting as much as we can until you go home." Camille reassured.

Ryan felt a stream of tears run down his cheek and quickly wiped it off. Matthew would not loose his grip on his boyfriend's fingers. "My love, you have to relax. We will be here soon, I promise." - Ryan reassured. It was then that Matthew 's grip relaxed.

Out of impulse as always, Ryan got on his knees and kissed those fingers he had been holding and then got up. Good because as soon as he did, the doctor came it to send the visitors out.

Matthew couldn't move so Camille kissed his forehead and they were escorted back out. Back in the waiting room there was an embrace between Ryan, Camille and Aurora. Quietly they left for the day. There was not much to do, just wait.

Back at the Walsh's home, Camille spoke with Aurora.

"Don't worry, it was an accident you couldn't control Aurora."
"Yes, It was the other driver's fault. It was green for us."
"Honey, I spoke with the insurance and they, along with our lawyer will deal with all the paperwork." Michael reassured.
"I am very thankful you both are helping with all that's happening. Thank you Aurora, Michael... and Ryan for loving my son!"
"Hey, we're family. I just want him out of the hospital but of course we have to look out for each other Camille. And when he leaves the hospital, If Adam is still stubborn, we will house your son."

What if...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora