20 jacket

117 14 2

word count: 333

Usually, Mitch was the one wearing a coat in summertime and Scott the one going outside in a t-shirt when it was literally snowing outside, but right now, the blonde was wearing a jacket, and Mitch a shirt. It had long sleeves, thankfully, but he was shivering anyway.

It really hadn't been smart of him to go out without grabbing something warmer, but it hadn't been freezing, hadn't been snowing before. And they only had to walk a little towards the Starbucks. Just fifteen minutes. He could survive that. Or at least, when walking towards there he could.

After having been inside and trying to hide in a corner with Scott, hoping no one would recognise them and being ever so grateful for the fact they weren't crowded with paparazzi all the time, like other celebs, he couldn't. Every time the door opened a surge of cold entered the coffee shop, and in walked people with coats and gloves and hats. And Mitch, Mitch was wearing a long-sleeve.

"You ready to leave?" Scott collected their empty drinks with one hand, resting the other on the small of Mitch's back. The tenor, knowing that they had to leave eventually and rather soon than late- it was getting crowded and they had and interview to get ready for still, nodded.

Outside, he shivered, swearing underneath his breath. Not even a second after Scott appearing from inside the Starbucks, Mitch felt him drape the leather jacket around his shoulders. The thing was huge, but Mitch liked oversized clothes. Besides, it was warm and it smelled of Scott. Scott, who was smiling brightly at Mitch and grabbed his hand, taking quick strides back to the hotel but not quick enough that Mitch wouldn't be able to keep up.

The two exchanged a silent smile, Scott because he was grateful Mitch wasn't shivering anymore, and Mitch- well, actually because of the same reason. Even though he was a little concerned that Scott would get cold now.

happy holidays!
(gonna try and catch up tomorrow, please dont get mad if i dont manage too, im trying my best)

tysm for reading, yet again. i love you, and don't forget that you're beautiful and strong and so so loved and valid. holidays can be hard, and if u ever need/want someone to talk to, im always here!

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