16 tiny

125 14 2

word count: 170

You see, Scott loved college. He loved learning new things, making new friends, going new places. He loved exploring and discovering new things. He even loved his small dorm, mostly for the fact that he, unlike many others, wasn't sharing his dorm with anyone. He loved the friends he had made this far, and he especially loved Mitch.

Scott loved singing with Mitch and annoying him while the smaller boy was making his homework, wrapping his arms around him to receive some attention and cuddles. He loved everything with and about Mitch, except for one thing.

Because while he loved cuddling with Mitch, loved falling asleep with the boy in his arms, loved kissing his temple or shoulder when the brunette was sleeping or just waking up, he didn't love the fact that they were always cramped in his already tiny dorm bed. Sure, they were close together and completely intertwined like they would be anyways, but the knowledge that they might just fall out of it, no, Scott didn't love that.

this is short and im far from proud of it but i dont wanna disappoint so its something, right?

love u thanks for reading/voting/commenting, if you have the time, please check out my other stuff? that'd mean the world to me. sleep well/have a nice day (:

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