sixteen (by samuel)

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"You guys know Yang Yena and Lee Chan right?" Renjun asks. As if anyone doesn't know them. "How could we not? They're basically the only couple that have hope in this school!" Yena is literally the cutest girl ever. Everyone in my grade pretty much aspires to be her. Chan is her boyfriend, who almost worships the ground she walks on. I'm pretty sure most people would be more upset if they broke up than they would be.
"They found out that they're soulmates!" He exclaims with a grin. I squeal a little as Dahee clutches my arm, fangirling. That's interrupted almost immediately though. "You guys actually believe in that soulmate stuff?" Donghyuck asks. Dahee let's go of my arm and looks at me, wide eyed. I take a gulp. "Yeah. What's wrong with that?" I say a bit hesitantly. "It's a load of crap. Soulmates don't exist." He laughs. "How would you know?" I challenge. "Nothing lasts forever, Eunji. Just ask my parents." And with that, he gets up and leaves.
   Mark sighs. "Dont worry about him. He's just still mad at his mom for marrying my dad. His parents were soulmates, but they broke up." "But he's fine with you?" I question, confused. "Because he knows I had nothing to do with it. Anyways, Eunji, why were you so persistent about it?" I cough a couple times.
   Chenle gasps. "Are you guys sou-" Dahee slaps her hand over his mouth. Mark's eyes widen. He leans a bit in speaks quieter than usual. "Are you sure you guys are soulmates?" He asks. I look down and nod. "I've been paying attention the past week or so." His shoulders slump forward and he sighs. "Well that's pretty difficult, considering his opinions." I nod, a frown on my face. "Aren't you supposed to help him study after school?" Jisung asks. I nod again, the frown not leaving my face. "Just eat a bunch of distinctly flavoured foods, and don't let him have any." The younger boy suggests.
   "That's a good idea but, what if he doesn't want to come over anymore? Or what if he suspects something and avoids me for the rest of our lives? There's a whole list of things that could go wrong!" I whine. "Well if no matter what you do, something could go wrong, then just do whatever." Renjun advises. My mouth hangs open. Dahee pats me on the back. "C'mon, finish your milk and then go talk to him."
   I chug my milk in record time and quickly stand up from the table, determined to find a specific red head.

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