You Find Out He Likes You

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You were sitting on a high branch in a tree. You were listening to Y/F/S when you looked down at Slender, Masky, Hoodie, and Ticci Toby. You had always thought Slender was sneaky. He looked around as he handed Masky a note and disappeared. You looked in your backpack for something to get down the tree with. Luckily you had rope. You always come prepared.

You jumped down from the tree and walked in front of the proxies. "Hey guys" you said. They looked at each other and Masky whispered in Toby's ear. "We can't let her see the note" Masky whispered. "Why can't I see the damn note" you said. They looked to you then back to the note. They bolted off into the woods. Luckily, you had cross country practice in these woods and knew them like the back of your hand.

You darted after them as they ran. You took a short-cut to where they were. You slipped a turn and waited for them. Soon enough, they came around the corner. "I want that note" you growled at them. Toby brought out his hatchet. "Now what do you think would happen if you killed Slender's best friend" you asked as Toby put away his hatchet. You snatched the note away from them. "I didn't want to be rude, but you ran" you said beginning to read the note. It said.

"Masky, Hoodie, and Toby don't let anyone see this. Especially Y/N, I want you to help me get her to go out with me. I really like her.



That didn't sound like Slendy at all. But you realized you had feelings for him to.

Jeff the Killer

You were staying at Slender's Mansion with Jeff. It was really sweet of Slender to let you stay. He said that you were very formal and he love having you around. You were laying in Jeff's bed when you heard screaming from the hallway. 'Typical CreepyPasta's' you thought. You put your ear buds in but still heard screaming.

You walked out of Jeff's room and looked around. Jeff was chasing Sally around with his bloody knife. "GO TO SLEEP" he yelled as Sally ran up the stairs. "Sally, come here" you said pulling her down the hallway, away from Jeff. "Y/N no" Jeff yelled chasing after you and Sally. You both giggled.

You pulled her into a room and told her to be quiet. You heard Jeff run past the door. "Y/N" Sally whispered. "Yeah" you whispered back. "Jeff has a huge crush on you, that's why he was chasing me" she told you. This was unlike Jeff. You walked out the door and saw him. "Jeff" you said walking over to him. "I like you too" you whispered as you walked past him to Clockwork's room.

Eyeless Jack

You were sitting in your room just playing on your 3DS. You were playing Kid Icarus Uprising. You thought Pit was kind of cute even though he was a made up character. You giggled to yourself as Jack tried to get your attention. He had finally had enough and pulled the DS away from you.

"Hey" you complained trying to get it back. He was to tall. He held it up in the air and waved it around teasing you. "Why are you so mean to me" you cried. "Because I love you". His words shocked you. "You mean like..." He cut you off. "Yes". You hugged him tightly. 'I love you too'  you thought.

 Lost Silver

You were hanging around with Lost Silver one day. He was playing Pokemon and you were reading one of your books for Battle of the Books. He touched your arm few times but you told him to wait. You had to finish this book. Battle of the Books was in a week.

"Y/N!" he yelled. You jumped at the sudden noise. "Yes Silver" you replied. "I-I wanted t-to sh-show you s-something" he said handing you his Game Boy. It said "I love you". You smiled and handed the Game Boy back to Silver. He was looking down to the ground. "I love you too" you whispered so he couldn't hear you.


You two were sitting on the couch watching TV. You had developed a little crush on Masky. He turned to look at you. He put his arm around you which made your heart melt and your face turn red. You looked down at your feet.

"Y/N, I love you" Masky said, kissing your forehead. "And I don't care if you don't love me back because I'll always know you're my friend" he added. Your face heated up and you looked at him. You could tell he was blushing under his mask. He leaned in to kiss you but then your mom walked in and he had to run.


You and Hoodie(Hoody) were playing around in your yard. You two were wrestling each other and flipping on top of each other. You thought nothing could make this day better. He flipped you so he was on top. His mask stared down at you as if looking through your soul.

"I fucking love you" he said. Your eyes went wide and you blushed. "Its cute when you blush" he said leaning down so he was right in front of your face. He laughed a bit. Then your little brother/sister bust through the back door. "Mommy, Hoodie(Hoody) is eating Y/N!"

BEN Drowned

You and BEN were playing Halo when he sunk back into the TV. You sighed, missing his presence. You decided to turn off your PS3 and go to bed. It was 12:00 am. You turned off the TV but it wouldn't go off. You sighed and walked off thinking BEN was glitching the TV.

You walked upstairs and the TV was on. Now he was glitching the whole house. You sighed again and jumped on the bed. BEN crawled out of the TV and handed you flowers. You took the flowers and he crawled back into the TV. The flowers had a note on them. You read the note and blushed.

"I love you baby"

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