↳ snake charmer

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( snake charmer )
imagine by: dragoneye01


Your feet hurt from the walk and your chest felt constricted from the bruised ribs you probably had. A light rain was coming down and you groaned, realizing you were too far from home to walk without getting soaked. You looked around for a place to hang out for a half an hour or so and gulped. The only place really opened was the Whyte Wyrm; and you knew all about the kind of people that hung out there.

Being your best option, you stumbled over to the bar and entered, looking like a complete mess. Your eyes looked dark and there was still blood coming out of your nose, plus a cut on your shoulder. You'd definitely have a black eye in the morning. People looked your way, but didn't stop what they were doing. It was a common look for most people in the gang. Black eye, split lip, bloody nose.

You took a seat at the bar, getting a questioning look from the bartender. "Could I get some water and a tissue if you have one?" You asked, voice hoarse. He nodded, setting a cup down and walking to the other side of the bar. You were surprised to see a couple kids that went to school with you. The bartender came back and set down a beer, a kleenex box and a package of frozen peas.

"I only asked for-"

"Looks to me like you need something stronger, looking like shit the way you are." He answered back. A few people laughed at the remark, interested in the story behind you.

"You should see the other guy. I beat the ghoul right out of that Ghoulie." You said, putting the bag of peas against your eye. You got a few whistles from the other people there, who admired your take on basically getting mugged. It was dark out and you should've known better, being the new kid at school and all. You were taking a sip of the beer when you noticed someone saunter over to you and lean against the bar. You glanced over, recognizing the bigger guy from school. He ran with the Serpents, the tattoo prominent on his neck.

"You look like hell." He said.

"Been worse. I may have a black eye, but the other guy should have two." You shrugged.

"The Ghoulies got you?" The boy knew it was true, but he was just making sure.

"That's what they call themselves. Didn't expect me to be carrying a knife, the asshat." You shook your head, turning your posture to face the boy. He was handsome.

"That's what happens when you don't pick sides. You either run with the Ghoulies or run with us." He said matter-of-factly. You looked him up and down. "New kid, right?"

"Yeah." You said, brushing your hair from your eyes. "You're in my History class, right?"

"Yeah." He nodded as you grabbed a tissue to wipe the blood from your nose and lip. "The name's Sweet Pea." He informed. You blinked at him.

"Sweet Pea? Like-" You held up the bag of peas that you were using to help the bruising on your eye.

"Yeah, exactly like that." He took the cue from you and looked you over. "What's your name?"

"(Y/n)." You answered, throwing your bloody tissue into the trash and grabbing another.

"That cut looks pretty bad." Sweet Pea commented, looking at your bloody shoulder.

"It stings." You answered monotonously.

"Hey, come with me." Sweet Pea nodded his head towards a back room. Everything they taught you about being safe screamed not to, but you found yourself standing up and following Sweet Pea to this backroom. There were other people back there on couches and bar stools, all part of the Southside Serpents. It was pretty obvious. Sweet Pea walked you up to a guy with long hair and a beard.

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