↳ the pink surprise

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( the pink surprise )
imagine by: unholyimagines

WARNINGS: smut, toys

The devil in disguise. That's what you had thought about Cheryl Blossom when you had first met her. She had an amazing resting bitch face and was good with her words. And her looks were to die for.

But that was weeks ago. You had been dating Veronica Lodge from the first week she had arrived into Riverdale. You had tried to ignore your sudden interest about Cheryl as you had started to get more involved with her when you had started to hangout with Betty Cooper and the rest of the gang.

Dating Veronica felt natural and you had started to love the girl but you couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. And that's when Cheryl steps in the picture. Cheryl and Veronica both were the 'alpha female' girls that you liked but in different ways. But somehow, Cheryl had made you question if Veronica was the one you should be with.

Recently, she had been more kind towards you and even defended you when someone had tried to make a little fun of you. Knowing that this wasn't Cheryl's normal behavior, you knew something was up. And you wanted to know what it was.

And that's why you were now standing by the Thornhill gates.

The large metal gates creaked open slowly, making the dark, foggy evening even more creepier than it already was. A chilling wind blew through your hair and you took quick steps along the long driveway to the house.

Knocking on the big door, you took a step back to wait for someone to open it. After a moment, the door slowly opened and you were expecting Cheryl with an unimpressed look on her face, but to your surprise, you were greeted by a smiling Cheryl.

"Hey Y/N, what brings you here?", she questioned, still smiling.

"I was hoping we could talk", you told her, smiling but not fully trusting her smile to be genuine.

"Sure, come on in, we can go up to my room as my parents are enjoying the fireplace", she said as she took a step to her side to let you walk into the house. You looked around the huge, beautiful but a little scary house and felt a hand on your lower back and you looked over your shoulder to see Cheryl still holding her smile.

"Follow me", she said and started to guide you up the large staircase.

Walking to sit on Cheryl's soft and inviting bed, you tried to quickly gather some strength to ask her about her behavior. You had no idea of her answer but felt afraid if she had just been playing you and was now getting to make her final move.

"So what would you like to talk about?", Cheryl questioned as she sat really close to you.

Staying silent for a moment, thinking about what to say, you decided not the beat around the bush.

"Why are you not being a bitch to me anymore? I mean, no offense, but you're not the nicest person around and don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not complaining but this little nice act of yours, has made me wonder about you", you said to her, trying to make your thoughts clear to her.

"I like you, Y/N", she simply answered.

"What?", you almost choked on your own spit.

"You heard me, there's no catch or ulterior motive. I simply have started to take a liking to you", she explained and you felt suddenly really hot.

"Okay, I wasn't expecting that but I still don't trust you to believe that completely", you said with a raised brow.

"Fine, there might be something I want", she confessed and you knew you had been right.

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