↳ the funeral

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( the funeral )
imagine by: mylittlebubbles


Today was the day.

A day in which I never wanted to happen.

Or even believe it could be happening.

I stood in my room, staring into my full length mirror and studying the simple long sleeved black dress that was on me, looking towards my face to see the sadness right through the make up. I couldn't believe my brother was gone.


There was no way in bringing him back, even though I desperately want him to walk into my room and hug me like he used to, making sure I was okay like he had since we were little. The three of us, Cheryl, Jason and myself stuck together, now only Cheryl and I had each other, we had lost half of ourselves, and we both didn't know how to fill that void.

I sighed, hearing a knock at the door to see my mother sticking her head in. 'Come now, it's time to welcome everyone.' She was so curt about it all, it only made goosebumps appear on my arms, making the hairs stand up.

I nodded, exiting my room, my mother closing the door behind us. She wrapped an arm around my shoulder, leading me down the stairs.

'Where's Cheryl?' I asked, looking to see people already arriving into our home.

'She's still upstairs getting ready. She'll be down soon.' My mother answered, leading me to my father. 'I trust you know she's not speaking today at the funeral and that you are.' I frowned at my mother and nodded, not arguing on the topic of it.

Cheryl had already let Homecoming happen with representing Jason using it to her advantage, which made sense why my parents wouldn't want her to speak, but, he was her brother too.

I turned my head to see my friends arrive, a blush rising to my cheeks due to locking eyes with Archie. I excused myself from my parents and walked over to Betty, Veronica, Kevin, Jughead and Archie, who had all dressed appropriately, even Jughead. Although, I did question Archie's letterman jacket, but he wore a tie underneath so I ignored it.

'Thank you for coming guys...it means a lot.' I gave them a small smile, receiving a small hug from all of them, except Jughead. I held onto Archie the longest, knowing he could make me feel better with what was happening today.

'We couldn't not support you. You're our best friend, we're here for you.' Betty smiled, whilst I led them to the room where Jason's casket laid.

I stopped in my tracks, seeing it for the first time. A large sorted set of red roses sat on top of the casket, making my eyes glisten that this was real.

I instantly felt Archie grip onto my hand, holding me up so I didn't fall. I turned up to look at him, giving his hand a squeeze, making sure he was still there. He squeezed it back, leading me over to the front row. He sat me down, kneeling down in front of me and showing me the number 9 jersey.

Jason's jersey.

'You're family deserves this more than me.' Archie explained, holding it out to me.

'You should go give it to my mother, she'd appreciate it.' I smiled, watching him walk away.

I sighed, checking my watch and looked around, my sister nowhere in sight. I bit my lip in anxiousness, my eyes drifting to the coffin. I took a deep breath in and letting it go.

Archie sat down beside me again, looking a little confused and flustered. 'What's wrong?' I frowned.

'You're mom...she - she touched my hair - I don't know.' He shook his head, staring at me. 'Are you okay?'

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