↳ losing it all

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( losing it all )
imagine by:

WARNINGS: slight smut

I haven't left our apartment since we moved in. According to my dad it wasn't safe here, we had been subsiding on ramen noodles and ketchup packets because after the whiskey that's all he could afford. I hadn't seen any one from my old school since my mom's funeral and they hadn't bothered to message.

I was alone, alone in the Southside. The alarm on my phone went off at precisely 6:00AM on a foggy Monday morning.

I didn't care enough to doll myself up like I used to. I just pulled on some ripped jeans, a vintage Mötley Crue t-shirt, and my mom's old leather jacket. My hair cascaded messily around my shoulders.

I looked in the mirror and shrugged, "I guess this will do," I said to no one in particular. Walking out of the bedroom, the only one in the apartment by the way, I saw my dad sleeping in his boxers on the very worn couch. I slung my backpack over one shoulder and walked out the front door locking it behind me.

The walk to Southside High wasn't a long one, thank god because I could feel the cool fall air stinging the apples of my cheeks. I walked through the metal detector without any issues. It was then I saw a familiar face, Jughead.

"What are you doing here," Jughead asked exasperation in his voice?

"I'm attending school," my voice dripping in sarcasm. Jughead and I were never close friends, but our paths had crossed a few times.

"It's not safe for you here."

"I guess I'll just have to adapt," I said after I shrugged nonchalantly. Just as I was about to turn and walk away three guys walked up behind Jughead.

"Who's your friend?" The tallest one asked.

Jughead sighed, "this is Y/N. Y/N this is Sweet Pea."

I nodded in his general direction.

"If I had known they made girls like you on the Northside I'd have gone up there more often." Sweet Pea said winking at me.

"Sweetheart, is it? They don't make girls like me anywhere." I smirked and walked away. I could tell they were going to make it difficult to lay low. I was walking to my first class when suddenly I went flying into the wall.

"You don't belong here." The boy, a freshman I think held me against the wall. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jughead and the other Serpents running my way.

"Last I checked I belong wherever the fuck I want." I quickly assessed my surroundings and realized he had given me enough room. I lifted my foot and kicked his knee from under him. He stumbled and I took the opportunity to give him a right hook to the face. He fell to the floor and I placed my heeled boot on his throat, "next time I won't be so nice."

"Holy shit," I heard Sweet Pea from behind me.

I shrugged, "mixed marshal arts, how exactly did you think a girl keeps her figure looking this good?" The rest of the day was fairly boring. I ate lunch with the Serpents, who were actually pretty nice, despite what I had heard about them growing up. The final bell rang and Jughead stopped me in the hall.

"Can I walk you home? After that stunt in the hall way you're probably not safe."

I sighed, "is there anything to do around here? I'm sick of sitting in my room listening to my dad stumble around the apartment."

"I understand, I'm not sure if it's your scene, but there's always the Whyte Wyrm."

"Why not?"

"You'd be allying yourself with the Serpents."

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