↳ moving on

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( moving on )
imagine by: riverdale-writings


Archie and I were friends before everything went downhill. We would tell each other everything. We always could count on the other not matter what. We were each other's shoulder to cry on when needed.

Our late night talks, our random road trips, our talks about the silliest things, all of that ended when I made probably one of my biggest mistakes.

I told him about the feeling I had for him. I remember how he didn't say a word for solid five minutes when the words left my mouth. He just stood there, staring at nothing. They honestly were the longest five minutes I've experienced.

My heart beat so fast I was afraid it would jump right of my chest. Obviously it didn't, but it may would have been better that way. Because what followed after the silence was painful, very painful.

Archie just muttered "I'm sorry" and left. Since that day he avoided me at all cost. No calling back. No texting back. Nothing. It was like I was dead to him. And it hurt like hell. Getting rejected was one thing. But losing one of your closest friends was another. I felt lonely for weeks. I cried more tears than I was proud of.

But then I finally decided it was time to move on. Not that it was that easy. I started going out with some guys. Some dates were good, some not. There wasn't any guy I wanted a second date, though. That was until I went out with B/N.

He made me laugh like no one else could. He liked the weirder side of me, which barely someone would. He also would laugh at my jokes, even though they weren't that funny. But most importantly he was there for me when I would doubt myself. He was really one of a kind.

It was a Saturday night and I was about to pack everything I needed for tonight's date with B/N. It was already our third one, but I still was pretty excited. My actions got interrupted when the door bell rang. A quick look at the clock showed me that B/N was early than usual. With a smile I opened the door.

"You're early."

My face dropped when I saw who was standing in front of me. "What are you doing here, Andrews?" I asked rather coldly. He swallowed, obviously nervous. "I need to talk to you," he said, looking at the ground.

"Can it wait? I'm busy tonight."

My respond made him eyeing me up and down. "You-You're going on a date?" he asked quietly, a hint of hurt in his voice. "Yes, but I don't know why it would be any of your business," I said.

"But you can't!" He raised his voice a little, sounding desperate. "Oh, and why's that?" Anger slowly began to rise inside of me. "Because I thought about everything you said and-" I cut him off, "Are you kidding me right now?" This time it was my turn to raise my voice.

"You can't just come running back to me after weeks of ignoring me. You were the one whp walked out on me. Do you have any idea how many times I tried to call you? Or how many texts I sent you? What makes you think I would run into your arms as soon as you change your mind?"

He swallowed hard and just stared at me, probably thinking of something to say. "I'm sorry I acted like a jerk. But you have to listen to me when I say you deserve someone better than him," he tried to explain.

"Someone like you? Because if I remember correctly you treated me like shit," I snapped. My heart ached a bit when I saw his face. He looked guilty but I couldn't just forgive him. "I know and I'm sorry, but I don't want to lose you." His voice was shaking.

I breathed in and looked around, trying to think. Something, someone a dew feet behind Archie caught my eye.

"You lost me when you walked out of that door, Archie," I muttered, walking past him. "I have to go now."

His hand grabbed my wrist before I could leave. I looked at him again, waiting for his words. "Does he make you happy?" Archie's voice cracked up at the end, which I have to admit hurt.

"Yeah, he does." I couldn't help the huge smile that formed on my face. A quiet "That's good" left Archie's mouth. He let my wrist go. "I'm really sorry, Y/N." I just nodded. "I really should get going now," I said, giving him a small smile.

"Yeah, you probably should," he mumbled, looking down.

I made my way to B/N. "Sorry, you had to wait," I apologized. "It's alright. Is everything okay? It looked like it was serious," he said worried, taking my hand in his. "Don't really want to talk about it," I explained, while we walked away from my house.

Sometimes it's for the best to just move on. No matter how hard it seems at first.

WAR OF HEARTS ⌘ RIVERDALE IMAGINESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora