• Three •

Depuis le début

I entered the given passcode.
But it's not hard to do, since, Rosé is so light. Is she even...eating?

I entered the room, this is like just a hotel presidential suite. Everything is provided.

I saw the sala set and landed Chaeyoung on the couch. I let her sat there. She's drowzy and dizziness is evident on her face.

"Wait for me here."
      I commanded but of course, she can't answer.

I explored the whole room.
I am actually looking for medicine...
But...yeah, where can I find it?

"Okay, I can't find any medicine or kit here. I'll just do the traditional way."
     I talked to myself as I agreed on my own idea.

I walked back to the living area and found a sleeping Chaeyoung.

I need to give her something that is more comfortable than the couch.

I lifted her once again.
She groaned and her forehead creases in my action. She's shock but in weakness, she can't refuse.

I walked straight to the bedroom.
I landed her to the ash brown bed.
She rest her head to the soft pillow.

I tucked her half body under the blanket.

Then, I went to the cabinet to pick some towel. After picking out towels, I went to the kitchen to get hot water. I also got small basin for the water.

As I came back to her, she's groaning and moaning. Seems like she's in pain and really sick. I touched her forehead, she's hotter than earlier.

      I cupped her left cheek as I sat beside her.

     She hummed in response but her forehead is creasing like she's really in pain.

She's trying to beat the illness.

"How are young feeling? What do you feel?"
      I rushed asking as I am watching how sick she is.

    She answered just a hum.

I'm worried that she gets more sick.

I wiped the warmly weat towel to her forehead and neck. Then her arms.

She tilted her head.
Forehead creasing, eyes are weakly opening.

"Who are....Jimin?"
      She squinted her eyes to see me.

"Yes. Please take some rest."
      I answered while placing the towel.on her forehead.

She went silent for a moment...

"I'm hallucinating."
     With weak voice, she spoke and concluded.

"No, you're not. Please, take some sleep. I'll wake you up later when your members are here."
     I pleaded holding her hand.

     Seems like she wants to go to the meeting as she tried to sit up but I pushed her gently and she landed herself to the bed comfortably again.

"I made my members inform that you're sick. Take some rest, you're feverish. You need to rest, Chaeyoung."
     I commanded manly.

"Sorry...thank you."
     She suddenly apologized and thanked.
Perhaps, for the care I'm giving her now.

I caressed her cheeks and hummed in response of 'that's fine'.

Then, she closed her eyes and rested her head comfortably on the pillow.

I sat beside the bed, I caressed her forearm giving her the warm and ticklish sensation, so, she can fell asleep easily.

My eyes landed on her sweet face.

She's sick...
But still her cuteness and sexyness are there.

Then, a thought step into my mind...

As I saw her earlier...
I was star strucked.

And I haven't expected this kind of scenes.
But upon seeing her faint earlier, I feel like I'm responsible in taking care of her, at least for few hours while the others are having the meeting."

"It's nice to meet you, Chaeyoung-a.

But...it's not good to meet you in this way, is it?"

Seductive Innocence (Jimin x Rosé) (Under Revision)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant