"Who's holding the destruction chi?"

"I am, Squad Leader."

"Hand it over."

"FUCK! Her heart is beating irregularly!"

"Stop the procedure immediately and administer an appropriate dose of medicine!"


"Haah!" Goku punched the air with a mighty force, the high gravity levels of the room pushing down on him. He smirked. So this is how Vegeta feels...

"Um, excuse me..."

Wiping the sweat of his forehead with a rough towel, Goku turned to face a terrified-looking servant that was reminiscent of a pterodactyl.

"You've been here for almost four hours," the servant said, gulping. "There are other trainees that need to use this facility."

"Oh, okay." Goku marched over to the controls and turned off the gravity, holding an apologetic arm up to the servant. "Sorry for taking so long." He grinned. "Phew, I'm beat. Time for a snack."

"Uhh, yes... Would you like me to fetch some food for you...?"

"Nah, I'm good. I know where all the good grub is."

"If you say so, sir."

As Goku made his way down to the kitchens, where he was sure the faeries would welcome him with open arms (and exasperated sighs), a hooded figure brushed past him in the hallway.

Being cloaked, their appearance was wholly unimpressive, but Goku could have sworn that their power was familiar. Frowning contemplatively, he turned back and called out to them, "Hey!"

The figure halted in their tracks, their head tilting slightly. "Yes?" The voice was rough and female.

Weird... I could have sworn that I know her. But, thanks to the strange bands pretty much everyone on the ship wore, the person's power level was undeniably warped in one way or another. Goku didn't waste any time cutting to the chase. "Have I seen you someplace before?"

"Yes," the female drawled. "That's why I don't go there anymore. If you're trying to flirt, just give it up."

Goku shook his head. "You just seem familiar, that's all." But I just can't put my finger on it...

"Tch. Whatever. Is that all you wanted to say to me? My boss is expecting me, Son Goku."

He blinked. 'You know my name?"

She snorted. "Who doesn't? You and that pretty boy Bijou are this week's talk." Without waiting for a reply, she stalked off, her cloak flapping behind her, revealing a set of muscular calves.

"Yeesh, someone's moody."

Goku had nearly reached the kitchens when he ran right into the back of a familiar saiyan.

"Oh, sorry about that, buddy—" Goku cut himself off, smiling when he realized just who he had collided with. "Hey, Chaya! Are you going to the kitchens?"

Chaya nodded shortly, her lips pursed. "I am. Would it be wishful thinking to hope that you aren't doing the same?"

Goku rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Hehe... you know me so well."

She rolled her eyes but didn't complain as Goku sidled alongside her. "You're a saiyan. All you think about is food, sex and fighting."

"You're saiyan too," said Goku, not really liking how she grouped all saiyans into one category. "Do you think about those things as well?"

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