Dennis wanted to see his face, placing his hand gently under Snow's chin he smiled.

"Snow, is that your name?"

Smiling brightly he nodded at him, Dennis could no longer contain his excitement at now knowing his zing's name. Bringing Snow into a tight hug, he smiled repeating his name over and over.

"Snow, Snow, my Snow"

Many of the ones in the room blushed a bit at hearing Dennis confess that Snow was his and his alone. But even so one had to ruin their moment again, except this time it was not Winnie, but his mother Mavis. She physically pulled them apart setting Snow on the bed and Dennis on the ground away from Snow, too far for Dennis and Snow's liking. Obviously not liking this he began to plan a way to get back to his zing who sat sadly on the bed staring at him with longing in his eyes. They both wished to be near each other at that exact moment. Mavis gave her son the looks daring him to pass her. He took that look as a challenge and was about to stand up but a hand on his shoulder stopped him, it was his father begging him not to take the bait. He knew what would happen if he did, knowing his parents his father would probably take his side while his mother will make them regret ever knowing her. Looking sadly at his Sing he sat back down. Nodding her head Mavis motioned her father to continue.

Looking awkwardly around the room Dracula stared at his daughter, "ok then, um right"

Taking a seat on the bed facing away from Snow Mavis waited for her father to continue. Snow, on the other hand, decided to make his way to his zing not caring if they saw. Dracula noticed this and hid a small smile behind his hand as Snow, not so gracefully crawled off the bed and tiptoed to Dennis who had an excited look on his face as his zing made his way to him. Not wanting them to be discovered Dracula continued on.

"Mavis your mothers younger sister Ella was banned from the vampire world due to her loving a human, no one knows how they met or who he was but just him being human was forbidden."

Taking a deep breath he continued, "Just being something other than a vampire was forbidden to the council" He saw they change in her daughters face immediately, she was terrified. Knowing why he was quick to reassure her.

"Sweety, it's alright no one knows of you or Jonathan, I promise" Shing in relief she turned to smile at Jhonny, her husband, only to see her son and the boy cuddling once again on the floor. Dennis was the first to notice her, raising his hands up he shouted: "I didn't move!" Snow looked at him confused before facing the women who had separated them: "don't know you" Though he said it with confidence he quickly regretted it as she growled low in her throat at him.

Jhonny stepped in front of them and tried to calm his wife down, luckily it worked as she warmed her way into his arms. Dracula loved this cuteness(me too lol)but he really needed to know why Snow was there and not in a safe area.

Walking to the young couple he kneeled down and smiled at Snow who stared at him worriedly.

"Can you tell me how you got into the woods?" he asked him

Snow looked at Dennis who nodded wanting to know the answer as well on how his Zing had gotten here when humans, on their own, needed an escort. Heck, even some monsters needed help getting here sometimes.

Turning himself around so he sat in between Dennis's legs he held onto one of his hands slowly caressing it before speaking.

"What do you need to know?" he asked Dracula

Dennis couldn't help but smile and tighten his hold on Snow at hearing his beautiful voice. He could listen to it all day and never grow tired of it. He couldn't help but let his mind wander on how Snow would sound in bed, on their honeymoon. Realizing he may have a nosebleed right there he ignored his thoughts, for now, and listen to the conversation.

Mavis was the one to ask the first question: "If your my cousin where's my aunt....if she even exists."

The atmosphere changed almost instantly as they waited for Snow's response. Leaning into Dennis more he answered her.

"She died when I was 5"

that wasn't what they had expected since she was a vampire she couldn't die that easily, but then they remembered Dracula's wife. Though no one wanted to answer this question they had to know how, how did she die?

"Snow, how did she..."

Snow shook his head, "I didn't see it but I could hear screaming as she told my father to grab me and go, to never look back. But I did, all I saw was much fire"

Dennis laid his head on Snow's shoulder trying to comfort him as Dracula slowly reached for Snow caressing his head softly. "It's alright, you don't have to remember"

Dennis silently thanked his grandfather for caring about them, Snow was happy he didn't have to continue but that didn't last as the next question came.

"How did you end up in the woods?" aaa

Dennis noticed how his face fell at that question, taking a deep calming breath he answered.

"We were found by whatever killed my mother, my father tried to protect us both until he was injured and could no longer run with me. The last thing he did was give me a piece of paper telling me that my mothers relatives lived here and hopefully they would help protect me.....from whatever was after me"

That last answer brought many discomforts as one by one everyone spoke their thoughts. Mavis's thought was above everyone else's, she wanted him gone she was afraid he would bring nothing but chouse and maybe even death. Winnie was on her side saying he should just leave or they will come here and kill them all.

Dennis yelled at them saying how they were just looking for a reason to separate them and he wouldn't have it.

"But he's a freak, Dennis!" Winnie yelled trying to convince him, instead he only growled at her screaming he was one to be half human. Jhonny calmed Mavis before taking their leave saying everyone should be alone to think. Dracula agreed and ushered everyone out before winking at Dennis.

"Explain what a zing is, alright?"

Nodding at his grandfather as the door closed he looked to his zing to him shaking and tears falling down his cheek. Sighing sadly he pulled Snow closer, carrying him to the bed never letting him go even as he fixed them to lay down.

"It's alright even if they won't help you I will" he whispered into his ear

Snow looked up into his eyes as Dennis wiped his tears away, "You won't leave me?" he asked him. Smiling Dennis leaned down kissing him gently on his forehead, "never" he told him.

They both smiled happily as their confidence grew for the other to be there for them. "Dennis"


"what's a zing?"


How were that two chapters in one day! WHOO!!!! I think I deserve some cookies and more cookies!!!! o_O

Guys, I think I may be addicted to cookies........oh well I just love them too much!!

Thanks for reading Comment and love.....cookies!!! OMG help me, these cookies are taking over my life!!! 

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