Shaking his head he got off whatever he had landed on, it was fur. Tilting his head in confusion he looked at him to see many people in different costumes staring at him in confusion. There was one group that smiled at him, not knowing the reason he stood up and took one more look at one he landed on. He landed on a man dressed as a wolf.

Helping the 'man' up he apologized quietly before asking where the exit was. The wolf shook his head, "I'm sorry but you can't leave yet"

That confused him as he asked why and before the wolf could answer a skeleton came from behind him screaming.

He freaked out when he realized that it was not a costume, it was an actual skeleton walking and speaking....wait screaming so loud. Causing him to scream and run off away from them, he didn't need to turn around to know they were following, the sound of rattling and heavy footsteps were heard behind him. He didn't scream, not yet, not until they began to surround him one by one. Some looked worried, afraid, other looked confused on who he was. The group that stared at him before were the first few to try and catch him after the girl gave them a signal to chase. Screaming he remembered what his father once said and crouched down covering his ears and closing his eyes.

If they were open he would've noticed a light blue color slowly surround him blocking out everything and everyone. No one was able to get through some tried banging on it or breaking it, even as far as to throw things at the light. But, nothing, nothing could destroy it or make it even waver a little. Then they froze as the boy, with his eyes still closed tilted his head up and let out a loud screaming. His scream traveled through the hotel waking alerting everyone who was awake and waking those who were still asleep. The scream woke a boy not to far away who noticed the pillow in his arms and not someone else.


Dennis woke to a loud scream, looking around he noticed the boy was gone and the door was wide open. Thinking the worst he jumped out of bed through the blanket that once covered him wrapped around his leg bringing him back down before he could leave the bed. Hitting the floor with a hard thud he groaned in pain. His legs were still on the bed half covered as his face was kissing the floor. Quickly un-tangling himself he ran out the door heading to his parent's room

Knocking repeatedly until they finally opened it up, but before he could tell them what had happened a knight runs to them screaming about an intruder causing a commotion in the lobby. Dennis knew who it in an instant since only a few others knew of the boy they had found in the woods. Mavis gave him a hard stare, but he ignored it and ran to the quickest way to the lobby.

There he noticed a large number of monsters circling something, he couldn't see what it was as they covered his view. Another loud scream brought him closer to the circle, noticing one of Winnie's brother he called out to him asking what was going on.

"There's this kid here, freaked us all out, just started screaming when he landed on me"

Now, Dennis knew for sure who it was. Pushing his way through even having to trip a few other monsters to get his way through before crashing into something hard. It was something blue but still see through. Placing his hands on it he tried to push through it but it wouldn't budge, he didn't know what it was. Only that it was coming from the boy in the middle of it, the boy they had found in the woods. He was crouched down covering his eyes, crying, Dennis could hear small whimpers come from him and it broke his heart hearing them. Taking a deep breath he yelled for everyone to hear.


Silence followed soon after, no monster made a sound as Dennis pushed them away from the boy leaving him the only one near the shield. Dennis could feel the boy's pain through the shield as though it was connected to his emotions. Leaning his forehead against it he tried speaking to him.

"It's alright"

He told him softly making sure not to so any signs of anger or worry towards him as he noticed the boy lifting his head to face him. Dennis tried once again repeating what he said while smiling kindly at him. "It's safe, ok?" He could feel it working at the top of the shield began to disappear, smiling he encouraged him to keep at it that everything will be alright. Until he saw the boy flinch, turning around he noticed Winnie slamming her hand on the opposite side before slamming a chair on it.

"Open up freak!" She repeatedly screamed through the shield trying to force her way in.

Dennis shouted at her to leave knowing she as only making things worse for them.

"Winnie! stop it!" growling loudly he ran to her pushing her away, but something behind him pushed him away. The boy, his shield it was expanding because of Winnie. Taking a calm breath Dennis tried one more time to get the boys attention.

"Hey, my name is Dennis....are you alright?" even though the boy only stared at him not answering or showing any sign he will he continued on.

"I was the one to bring you you remember me?" He mentally cheered as the boy nodded and slid a little closer to him still not standing but the shield did retreat a little. "um....can I come in?" the boy hesitated a little not really sure if he could trust him. Then again this 'Dennis' guy was the only one to be kind to him since he woke up. Thinking a little longer he nodded, reaching his hand out for Dennis to take. He did.

Tugging on his arm twice he gave once more hard pull, bringing him into the shield as well. He let Dennis's hand fall immediately, carefully he stepped away from him not letting his eyes leave him for a second.

Dennis took a few steps closer holding his hands up where he could see him.

"It's alright.....I promise" he whispered only for him to hear. "No one can hurt you here, your safe, here, with me." His voice was confident and kind. He couldn't help but nod letting Dennis wrap his arms around his waist bringing his head to his chest. Slowly one by one the tears he had held in now fell silently don his cheeks, wetting Dennis's shirt. He wrapped his arms around his back breathing in his scent, he hadn't even realized how tired he still was until his body went limp and darkness took over.

Dennis notices the shield slowly fading as his mother cried in relief that he was safe. Ignoring his family(again)he lifted the boy into his arms and carried him back to his room while telling his family the shush it or he will kick him out again. Smiling as he tucked him in, he couldn't help but realize he hadn't even gotten his name.

"When you wake up, I wonder if you'll tell me your name"

Soon he too fell asleep wondering the boy's name, his mother covered him with a blanket and this time no one left the room, worried the boy will wake and try to leave once again.


2nd chapter done! So glad that's over with ;p

Well please comment and send cookies, preferably chocolate chip. Thanks, lovely humans, peace! 

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