Chapter 4: Reasons of Love

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Mina's POV
I was having a stare down with Nyssa. We didn't speak until she spoke, "Why did you take her away from me, Shadow Thief?"

"How many times do I have to tell you?! I didn't steal her away from you! That was Sara's choice!" I yelled at her.

"And I understand that but you still took her away from Nanda Parbat and you broke the code of the League," she told me.

"It wasn't my choice. Sara wanted to leave because of Merlyn and you accepted the decision we made," I told my former trainer.

"I said you could go there for a mission not go on the run!" she yelled at me.

I sighed and rubbed my temples, "Nyssa what did you think we were gonna do?! Go on a fucking mini vacation?!"

She clenched her fists trying to keep herself calm. "If I knew that I wouldn't have let you leave. You know the position you had put me in at the time, it was either I kill you two or I get killed."

"What happened to keeping Sara happy?! Did you power get into your damn head that you forgot what happiness means?!" I yelled at her.

"Did you forget the position I had to grow up in to pass my sister and prove that I could be a leader? I couldn't throw it away. I was tired of living in the shadows"

"So you never loved Sara enough then?" I scoffed with disbelief.

"Don't you dare say that I loved Sara with all my heart, but I could not just give my life away for her to be happy with someone else." she had stayed calm through this entire thing but was now breaking.

"There's something called courage Nyssa. You are a coward for hiding behind your father just because you feared him," I told her without looking at her.

"I did not hide behind my father, I was forced into his shadow, unlike you who decided to hide in them."

"Do you know how I was brought into the League? I guess your father never told you," I scoffed with disbelief.

"What do you mean?" she looked confused at this point she never was really told.

"Your father was in charge of child slavery ring. How do you think he got cold-blooded killers? I was one of them. I didn't really have a choice. It was either the League or die by the hands of child slavery traffickers," I told her coldly.

"My father never told me of this, and I am truly sorry for what you had to go through but that does not give you the right to put me in a life or death situation." she was starting to talk louder and louder slowly losing her cool.

"We can make choices Nyssa. You chose to not stand up to your father for the one who you claimed to be in love with. If I was in your position I would still stand up to him. If you love someone truly, then you need to learn how to let them go. What you did was selfish Nyssa. I only took Sara out because she wanted to," I told her through the bars.

"And I tried the best I could. I nursed her back to health, saved her when she needed it, and I didn't want anything in return. At the time I was not fit to fight my father and I would have been killed and she wouldn't have had that protection that I could give her. She was seen as a threat and I choose what I thought was right to keep us both alive...even if it means i had to lose her to you." she sadly looked down at her hands.

"I took her out because she was scared, Nyssa. She was scared to lose her family and everyone she cared about. She was scared that she would become a cold-blooded killer. We both know what it's like not to be human anymore. I've killed countless people because of the League. I'm sorry I stole her away from you, but I loved Sara enough so she wouldn't become like us," I told Nyssa as calmly as possible.

"I know all the pain I have caused and the death that has been caused by the League. She was the only thing I had left and I lost it. I turned into what you didn't want her to be. That is why the League is disbanded now. No more killing and I did all of that for her, but what do I get in return? An electric cage stuck in a room with a bunch of idiotic teenagers and forced to watch my beloved move on with someone else. The only one who gets it is Mason and he doesn't even talk. So Yeah Mina I'm the bad guy for doing everything in my power to help you two! I guess I was always destined to be treated like the monster that everyone sees me as my title is Heir to the Demon. Might as well just become the demon" she looked down at her hand trying not to show the defeat that had clearly appeared on her face.

I sighed and looked at Nyssa, "We chose our own destiny. I understand why you did it. I forgive you, Nyssa."

"I chose my destiny? Really? I didn't have a choice in the matter. Why don't you get that?! I have been trying to explain to you I had no choice. The only one that I did have control over was either choosing to stay with the League and seeing you run off with her or forcing you to stay and having Sara hate me. I'm not the one who needs to be forgiven, Mina that is all you."

"Yes I made mistake. We all make mistakes and I'm sorry for my stupid emotions coming in. Maybe Sara is better off with you, but I did what my heart told me to do. I hope you understand that I only did it to make Sara happy," I told her while looking away knowing she was right.

"And you really don't think I didn't do everything in my power to make her happy I was already looked down upon by everyone because of saving her and when she wanted to leave and I let you, risking my own life in the process do you really think that is not trying to make Sara happy what did you expect me to do Mina? And if you say 'stick by her side' then that would have forced her into the life she didn't want and that would be staying with the league and leaving with her like you did would put more risk on her life than living with the league and I couldn't do that to her," Sse said more with determination in her eyes than she ever had.

"Okay Nyssa. How bout a truce? You help Team Arrow and I will let you go and I will tell you where your sister is. I will help you kill her even. I got a bone to pick with her also. We can even bring mason for the hell of it. Friends?" I asked her.

She looked at me surprised, "What did my sister do to you?"

"She may or may not have tried to kill Sara on multiple occasions," I mumbled.

"What the fuck do you mean she tried to kill Sara?! I thought I stopped her from doing that when she left the League." there was then a shout from the other room.

"Did Nyssa just say fuck?" Sara yelled from the other room. "I'm taking that as confirmation. That is going on the list along with bastard and shit."

"She has a list?" I asked.

"She kept one since we met and has tried to get me to cuss on multiple occasions. Don't ask how the other ones came up you don't wanna know."

"Listen you need to protect Sara," I told Nyssa while looking away.

She questioned me, "Why you're her girlfriend?"

I handed her a manila envelope. It was from A.R.G.U.S. they were orders to report back to duty for one last mission. I had done a lot of things Sara didn't know about.

"Does she know?" Nyssa asked me.

"Only Oliver, Diggle, Mason and Laurel know. I leave tomorrow for about a month. Don't tell her please. It's better for her not to know that her girlfriend might die," I whisper to Nyssa.

Nyssa looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Who's on your team and who the hell is that dangerous?"

"Zaniel Templar. I'm going with your sister's beloved and your nephew. We are going to track an organization called N.O.W.H.E.R.E.," I quickly told her.

N.O.W.H.E.R.E., is an international organization with a nefarious interest in young metahumans. It was founded by, a mysterious human being who has ties to the 31st Century. Once capturing people of interest, they conducted experiments to either enhance or inject supernatural abilities among their captives.  Lyla asked me to investigate it with Bruce and Damien.

I hate lying to Sara, but if I died, then Sara would do something rash. She almost lost Laurel and I was scared what she would do if found out if something happened to me on a mission. I also didn't want her tagging along on this dangerous mission.

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