Chapter 1: Avengers Assemble?

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It all started on that one fateful night. Everyone should know it well, it was seen as the worst day in Central City history. The day that the particle accelerator exploded. An entire ragtag group had all been at the place all doing separate thing. Zay was there to fix something in the building, Riley and Maya were there to see the opening, Smackle and Farkle were interns on the job, T was at Jitters, Tiny was on the run from her family, and Mina was sent by Oliver to observe 'Harrison Wells'.

These people were exposed to the particles and dark matter that altered their genetic, chemical, or even atomic structure, giving them a variety of abilities.

For Mina, she gained the power to control shadows and she was already an assassin because of her girlfriend. Tiny, the runaway, gained telekinesis and invisibility. T had gained the ability to shapeshift. Riley had gained the lovely ability to project concussive blasts of sound. Maya was able to create a nasty electrical shock to anyone. Farkle had received the power to travel through dimensions. Zay had gained superspeed.

Mason's POV
Getting on the set for the Avengers: Infinity Wars, what a stupid name right? I had just got on set to see that no one was here. I had gotten there early to set up the costumes for the actors when there was a loud crash coming from the back room. Before I could get to the back my phone started to ring, I saw the canary symbol on my phone I hesitantly picked up my phone and answer my angry girlfriend on the other line. "H-hi honey."

"Don't you dare hi honey me! You know how disappointing it was to wake up with you not beside me! Let alone no coffee in the house!" I pulled the phone away from my ears in fear of a Canary cry through the phone. I put the phone back to hear a rant from her. "...I'm a vigilante I am not afraid to kill you and hide the body.."

I interrupted her before she could continue. "So I am guessing tonight is a chocolate, cuddles and movies kind of night?" There was a grumbled yes on the other end of the phone. "Maybe I chose the wrong sister... Sara isn't like this to Mina." There was silence on the other end oh shit.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I quickly pulled the phone away from my ear.

"Nothing love you honey bye," I hung up the phone and put my head in my hands. Seconds later there was another crash from the back room. I slowly started my way to the back with silent footsteps. I looked in the back room where the food was set up to see a pair of floating bunny ears and a cookie. I walked behind whatever the hell this was and grabbed them by the shirt making them show there face. The girl looked up terrified and tried to run before I grabbed her by her shirt again.

"Please just let me go. Here have a cookie," she slowly reached out to hand me the cookie, but I dragged her away to the room that they have set up for me. And threw her into it closing the door and locking it.

"Well, that was rude!" I banged on the door to get her to shut up leaning against the door as the security guard made his rounds near my door. I gave him and slight wave and then quickly went into the room. I stared down at the girl who froze with the cookie she had in her mouth. She looked to be around seventeen.

I grabbed a pen and paper and started to write on it and then threw it at the girl. 'What the hell do you think you were doing?' She looked down confused and then tried to look away from me when her phone started to go off.

"Tiny what the hell are you doing I said get in and out what the hell happened?" There was a voice on the other end of the phone was this a downgraded version of coms?

"Well, you see I was grabbing a cookie" She starts to say but gets cut off by him.

"Tiny I told you no food and no cookies!" He yells at her making her nod her head slowly

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