Waffles or Pancakes

107 3 13

Butter9273: Chara and frisk do you prefer waffles or pancakes?

Chara: Does it really matter as long as it tastes good?

Frisk: Of course it does you are either a sophisticated person or a heathen. I'll let the comments decided on which is which.

DastardlyNinja: So it's not possible to be born with a clear soul? Then is it possible to mask your soul trait with another? Say if my soul was black and white equally could I jade that under determination or kindness?

Chara: Now I never said that you couldn't be born with a clear soul. It is very possible but after a while, the soul itself will do everything in its power to find a trait so it can become stronger. Also, it is possible to hide your soul trait it just takes practice and the right type of magic.

If your soul was both black and white you would know the answer to everything because the world itself would see you as something above this world.

RobertBalintec: Chara please dunk sans again to avenge players who got rekt by sans in the first four seconds of his first attack.

Chara sigh once again and spends the better half their day trying to dunk sans until finally Chara "Leroy Jenkins" it and DUnked Sans into next three months. Thus taking that long to publish this.

Misfortunate_Drawer: Everyone can have a taco ( throws many tacos at everyone )

Chara runs away from tacos due to her being allergic to the tortilla.

huntress777: Hey sans i set Mettaton and paps up on a date and you're not allowed to get within ten miles of them.

Sans stops everything and looks at the date and summons a gaster blaster to try and cockblock Mettaton. This utterly fails due to Papyrus' amazing dating skills. Sans falls to his knees in Sadness.

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