Chapter 1

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Hey guys! :) This is my first story so pretty please comment , vote, fan! :)

- Jee

(C) No part of this book may be used and reproduced, in part or whole, in a ny form without permisson from the author.

All Rights Reserved - @IWantHarrysGravy


" Bye hun! Goodluck! " my dad called just before I shut the car door.

I just smiled in response because I woke up quite late and I'm really late for my first class. I'm in third year. It's not the first day of classes. It's already our second month in school. By the way, name's Saffron Luxe Davis.(A/N yep, just made that name up again.) But my friends and my family call me Saff. I have brown eyes, brown wavy hair, and a tan skin. I have a guy bestfriend named Harry and a girl bestfriend name Kristine. They're always there for me when I'm down. We're most likely, 3 partners in crime ;).

I was walking through the entrance gate of my school. And when got at the guards table, I slide my I.D through the thingy that lights up and beeps when you show your I.D (A/N I don't really know what it's called. Haha


I quickly ran towards the hall because I can tell my first class' about to start when I unfortunately bumped into someone and cause my books to fall on the ground.

" Oh my god, I'm really sorry! Are you hurt or something? " I apologized as I grabbed my three   books. I looked up to the curly headed boy who I bumped into who is now cracking up laughing. It was my bestfriend Harry Styles.

" Pumpkin! I'm sorry, I'm really in a hurry! Sorry again, gotta go now!" Yep. We got funny but cute nicknames for eachother. We call Harry 'Curly Pumpkin' but usually we just call him pumpkin because it's too long, they call me 'Saffoh Mofo' and sometime 'Safforoh' , We call Kristine 'Choco Loco' which is basically because she have a crazy love for chocolates. Lol :) But we know we're in trouble when we already call eachother by our real names.

" Hahaha, it's alright, now go ahead, goodluck with your first class, and I'll see you later at the cafeteria during snack break. Love you! " Harry half-shouted as I ran to my first class which was Math. Ugh! I hate math so much! I mean, who doesn't? Nerds. Genius kids. Yup, that's right I answered my question, that's how cool I am. I just shouted an 'okay!' and an 'I love you too!' to Harry, but that doesn't mean anything to us. We're just partners in crime. That's all.

"Ahhh, there you are Ms. Davis. Please take a sit at the back. Next to Smith." Ms. De Castro our math teacher said as I entered the classroom.

I just nodded in response. Ugh, late again aren't we? But thank goodness I'm sitting next to the 'most interesting' person ever. Note the little sarcasm over there.

I took a sit next to Kristine. Yes, her surname is Smith. Kristine Smith.

"Hey Ms. Late Mofo." Kristine said with a smile as a placed down my backpack and took a sit. She has dirty blonde hair, gray eyes, and pale skin.

"Hey. I bumped into Harry I while ago. I just apoloziged. I knew I'm going to be late!" I whispered with the tone of disappointment because Ms. De Castro might notice us.

" Interesting." She said sounding like a four-year old kid that just learned something new.

"Yeah. Soooooo interesting" I said as I rolled my eyes and trying to copy her tone. She just giggled. Then the math class took ages to finish. Well not literally because we only have only 40 minutes per subject.But it's so BOOORING as heck. 

After math, I had Computer and English. I don't have neither Kristine nor Harry in those subjects.It's 80 bloody minutes in hell! You can tell I'm not a person who likes to study a lot. But I don't have a C. My grades only plays fron A upto B. Not that bad. 


The most awaiting sound I've been waiting for. The bell ring. Which means that it's already snack break! Time to eat!

I headed to the cafeteria and saw my two bestest of friends. Waving their hands like fools.

" Hey Safforoh " Harry said while wiggling his eyebrows as I reached them.

" Hey Hazza! " I said cheerily. 

" So, Saff, any reason why you're late this morning? " Kristine asked with her mouth full of the burger. Manners anyone?

" Yeah, any reason why did you bumped on me? " Harry said too. Well I already apologized!

" Well, Choco Loco, I woke up quite late. That's why. And Mr. Pumpkin with curly hair and green eyes, I said I'm sorry! " I said as I took a sip of my orange juice.

" Haha, just kiddin' my Saff! Luff you! " Harry said as he did a 'blow kiss thingy'

" Harry, that's so gay. " I said and gave him a nasty look.

" But you love me! " Harry insisted as he pouted.

" Ofcourse I do my  pumpkin!" I said as we all giggled.

The snack break ended. And I'm quite surprised the school day ended up quite fast.

Me, Harry and Kristine just walked to the way home. It's more peaceful and it can burn a LOT calories too! We're just neighbors (well not really, it's just like a complex) and that's one of the main reasons why we're best friends. 

We used to do sleepovers at eachothers house, play in the rain, play with mud, and others. And our parents are actually bestfriends too!

" The prom's already near. Have you two already have your dance? I'm with Jake. " Kristine said. Jake is her boyfriend. I can tell I like Jake a lot. But not in a 'love' manner. It's because he's very funny and cool. They're both lucky to have eachother.

" No one asked me yet! " I said as I hold my chest and fake cry.

" Haha, that's alright Safforoh! I'm sure someone will ask you out! " Harry said with his signature smile. Oh God! His dimples are showing! I love his dimples so much! Wait, why am  I saying these things?

" Whatever you say! " I said with a sing-song tone. Then we walk and talk. Rhymes! :D Just 10 minutes of distance. Then we said our goodbyes and love you's to eachother as we head into our own house.



What's the craic? So I just wanna share this story that happened to me earlier ago.

I saw a slice of chili on the table, so I decided to squirt it. Then, I don't know what came up to my mind and licked my finger.

It really did burnt my throat! Such a weirdo. And then, I washed my hands, and then I have this routine that whenever I wash my hands, I wash my face too. And then I felt something itchy in my left eye. And then the itch turned into a burning hot one! Then I realized, the finger that I used to squirt the chili, was the one that I used to rub my eyes. SO DUMB. Talk about dumbness. Anyways, thanks for reading my awful short story that happened to me. LOL.

Gotta sleep now! Love you guys!

Comment, Fan, Vote!!

 - Jee


A Clouded Judgement - Harry Styles (discontinued/unfinished)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن