P'Forth: Where the fuck is he shooting from?

Me: High tower, east.

Everyone moves.

Me: Check your scanners, incoming.

Ming: Minions down, aim for him.

P'In: Time for the big guns guys!

I change to my rocket launcher, I get in some good hits.

P'Yut: I'll use my super!

Me: No! he's going to put up his shield.

P'Yut: Shit, I used it.

P'Forth: Yut, take his fire. Everyone get ready, the next wave will attack.

We all scatter as the new guards come in, taking them out as we go, we're getting short on ammo and the clock is ticking.

Me: Move it, we have less than 4 mins.

P'Din: Its taking too long, someone super.

P'In: I will.

He uses his magic attack, taking down enemies.

P'Forth: I'll get the core, Yo cover me.

I take out enemies as P'Forth carries the core to the shield generator, he throws it in, it disrupts Kohan's shield. We aim again, it isn't enough to take him down, he reactivates his shield.

P'Din: Dam it, we didn't do enough damage.

P'Forth: The next wave of guards is here!

Me: Shit, the hounds are out!

P'Yut: Who let the dogs out! Who? Who?

P'In: Scatter!

Me: Ming, move your ass!

I slide past as 5 hounds head my way, I toss a grenade, managing to get 3, I punch one when it growls at me, I shoot the last as I dive for cover.

Me: Ming use your super!

P'Forth: Ming why the hell are you dancing?

Ming: p, I'm getting 'connecting to server' notice. Nooooo come onnn.

P'Din: I got the core.

P'In: I got your back, go Din, go.

P'Forth: Fuck I'm down.

P'Din: Me too.

P'In: Shit, I'm out.

P'Yut: The bastard 1 hit me!

Ming: I'm in orbit! Dam it all to hell! How can my dorm have such shit connection? How? Why do all your dorms have better internet!!

I get the message, I'm the last guardian standing. I have 1 last rocket left and my special, I don't have time to look back, the clock's ticking, I make a run for him.

I dodge his shot, aim and fire, it hits. I slide behind a crate, reloading both my guns, I shoot as I weave closer, just a little more, then I can take him with my special.

Godt: Yo, I want to play!

P'Forth: Godt, not now kido, Yo's in trouble.

Ming: Get off the group chat Godt, your gonna make Yo get pummelled.

Godt: P'Forth. What pummel mean?

I ignore them making a run for the boss, I use my super, I jump and slam the floor, it buys me seconds, I slash him with my attack, moving, dodging and hitting.

P'Din: You got him Yo!

P'In: That's it, that's it...

P'Forth: Do it Yo!

Only a few seconds left, either I kill him or the time runs out. I make my last move, I hit him, he goes down, I smile...

"Nearly done Din? * Kiss* What did you want to eat?"

The High Vanguards voice congratulates us on a mission well-done. But there is silence on our group com.

Ming: What did I just hear?

Godt: P'Lee kisseded P'Din and they gettin food. I want sticky rice!

P'Forth: Oh shit.

P'In: Since when dude?

P'Yut: I have to call Monty.

P'Din: Guys just chill okay.

Me: P'Sing! P'Lee is dating P'Din!

Ming: Shitty Yo I wanted to tell him.

Godt: Everyone remembers to come for my sports day okay!

Me: Don't worry Godt, we're all coming.

Godt: Thanks, Yo! I called everyone to come. Hehehe. P'Forth I gotted toys for Bas.

P'Forth: I'm sure he'll love em kido.

P'In: Dude, I thought we were friends? You hid this from us?

P'Yut: Monty! Guess who Dins dating? Lee, he's dating P'Lee!

Godt: All you guys come okay! what daddy? Okay...

P'Din: I didn't plan to hide it... P'Lee I don't think moving to Paris will help...

Godt: Yo? it's Tae, listen is Tee getting a ride with you? He's coming as well.

Ming: P'New! Guess who P'Din is dating without telling us.

Me: Yes, its arranged, we'll let you know when we leave.

Messages appear on screen as more people join the chat channel.

Monty: P'Din! How could you hide this from us!

Elephant: Is this like a secret meeting base or something?

Crow: How come we're always last to know?

Chicken: P'Yut if we find out your dating someone, without telling us, there will be trouble!

Godt: Yo, sleep with me okay!

P'Yut: I'm single! I haven't even kissed anyone for weeks!

Godt: I did! I kissed Kimon and Copter and Nini and Mari, cause Nini said you should experiment while your young, before you settle down, but I didn't like it, but Nini is going to marry Mari and Copter is going to marry Kimon cause they kissed them and liked it so and got them pregnant and they have to take responsibility. I kissed Yo that time and I liked it, don't worry Yo, I'll take responsibility hehehe.

I choke on my pink milk, and there is silence on the coms once again.

Ming: P'Pha! Godt got Yo pregnant, but he's going to take responsibility!

And everyone is talking at the same time, I look over as I hear a tone, P'Pha is calling me... I'm going to kick your ass Ming.

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