"No. What new kid?" Liam asked for me.

"Uhh, I saw that guitar kid in the office. He was there with the new kid, Marcel Styles." Zayn said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

What a weird name.

"Hey, I have to go. I gotta talk to Mr Frain about the last exam." I said and they nodded. We hugged real quick before I walked inside.

Again, everyone stared. It was starting to get really annoying.

"You want a picture? It'll last longer." I said and they immediately looked away.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my locker. I opened it and took my History and Chemistry book out. I threw my backpack inside and closed it.

I walked over to the lift because Mr Frain's classroom is on the third floor. I pushed the 'up' button and waited for the doors to open. When they did, luckily, no one came out. I stepped in and pushed '3'. The elevator went up and I hummed the tune to 'How To Save A Life's by Fray 'till I got to Mr Frain's classroom. I opened the door and I saw him sitting on his desk, with his glasses on. His white hair was pulled back and his body was slouched over. He was reading something so I cleared my throat to get his attention.

He looked up and smiled. "Hey, Louis. Take a seat." When he saw that I wasn't going to take a seat he continued. "As you know, on Monday we had an exam-"

"I'm aware of that." I cut him off.

"Yes, you did pretty well on it." He said and pulled out a folder. "You got a B minus."

My eyes widened. "What?"

"Yeah, that's why I asked you here." He said and stood up. He wobbled over and stood a couple feet in front of me.

"You're my favourite student." He said and I mentally rolled my eyes. He said that to every kid.

"The other teachers believe you cheated." He said.

"Well, I didn't. I studied the night before. With Liam. You can ask him." I said and it was true. We did study Sunday night, even if I complained most of the night.

"Okay. If you say you didn't cheat, you didn't cheat." He said and went back to his desk. "You can go now. Don't want you to be late." He said and sat down. I nodded and left.

Mr Frain was the coolest teacher. All we did in his class was read books and take exams on them. He joked around and gave out food to the people who participated. He was my favourite teacher.

I headed to Woodshop when I bumped into a girl with cute black-rimmed glasses.

Her eyes widened. "I'm sorry." She whispered before running off, right when the bell rung.

I sighed and continued walking towards Woodshop. This happened all the time. Someone would bump into me become scared and runoff. Just because some kid gave me an attitude and I gave him a beating, didn't mean I was that type of person.

That day the police had brought my mom home early in the morning. She had passed out in her car and I had to pay her DUI. I was in a bad mood, and an attitude was not something I wanted at the time.

Seriously, I was not like that at all. People just believed that because my step-father was in jail and my fights with kids. Which were rarely. In junior year, the fights were happening every day. This year I had only gotten into three fights, but they were pretty bad. I got into soccer to get my anger out instead of beating up kids but people were still afraid. And they had every right to be. I just wished they could try to get to know the real me. I wished they could give me a chance.

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