My Superheros aren't so Lame

Comenzar desde el principio

"Mellie!!!" I looked up and a mane of red hair made its way through my blindness. Annie...

My vision cleared just enough to see Ryan step in front of me and say, "Hello again Annie." He laughed as she froze in her tracks, "Fancy meeting you here. Remember all of our good times?"

She remained frozen, her eyes wide. Ryan raced to her and closed the distance quickly. He pulled her to him and was about to put his lips to her's when he gasped for air. Annie had punched him right in the gut. As he staggered back, she slapped him across the face, leaving a red mark. Niall came from nowhere and tackled Ryan to the ground punching every part he could find. Annie ran to where I was curled up on the ground.

She pulled me into a hug and said, "Shush hazzabear, its okay I'm here."

"But you won't be," I said, no emoiton. The tears had gone and I was left with the truth. I said, in the same empty voice, "Clay is right. Everything i've ever tried to forget about me, my life, my's all true.."

Annie hugged me tighter, "No! He's lying Mellie he really is! None of us are going to leave you. You're not worthless! Look at where you are Mell!" she paused to make me look at her in the eyes, "Don't focus on what has happened mell. Look at what you are doing, and whose around you now."

I looked around and saw that the boys had come to my rescue. Zayn had pulled the goons off Liam and was beating the fudge out of one of them. Harry was getting the other. Niall made Ryan cry by pinning him to the ground and forcing his arm up. Liam, oh Liam...He and Clay were rolling around on the groun, evenly matched and neither gaining any ground. A pang shot through my heart everytime Liam took a punch.

"Liam!!!" I called out.

He never took his eyes away from Clay, but his face grew a new determination as he tackled Clay and landed a punch to the face.

I turned and saw Louis running towards us.

"Ello there loves, we alright? Seems we're in a bit of trouble here, so let's get you ladies outside so the lads can finish up in here eh?"

Annie nodded and helped pull me up. They both started to walk away but noticed I wasn't following. They turned around, and Annie had a worried looking her eyes.

"You're going to leave," I said in a quiet voice.

Louis walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulder and said, "Mell, I promise you, we are never going to leave you." I stared into his eyes, for once serious, and nodded. He smiled and stuck out his hand, "Trust me." I put my hand in his and he pulled me along.

"What about the others?" I asked as we passed the fights.

"They'll meet us outside, but we need to get you two out first before things get out of hand."

We reached the door and I saw the flashing lights. My hand turned clammy in Louis', but he just tightened his grip. I took a breath and kept following the Doncaster boy. The cool air kissed my injuries once we made it past the doorframe. I collapsed onto Louis, so he carried me to the nearest tree stump to sit, with Annie close behind. They stayed by me, Annie holding me and Louis rubbing my back, as a cop came up to me for a statement. I had seen the rest of the men in uniform run inside.

"Its alright Hazzabear," Annie told me, "He's not like the ones back home you can tell him." I nodded and began the story.

By the time I finished, Louis had ended catching Simon up to speed and the boys had come over to us. They were all a little roughed up with a couple of cuts and hits, but none as much as Liam. He had a black eye already setting in, a rip in his shirt, and cuts all up his arms. Still, they all smiled at me when they saw me and exclaimed how happy they were that I was alright. A exciting warmth was coursing through me and I threw myself at Liam. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a giant hug, thanking him and the rest of them a million times. Liam wrapped his arms around me and held me close, not saying a word.

The paramedics came to patch us up. They led me to the side, so no one had to see my burn besides Annie. As they cleaned it, Clay and Ryan were shoved into a police car.

"Its finally happening. They finally get what they deserve," Annie said.

"We're free," I nodded.

"Simon is gonna clear everything up with the police and media, and says we're free to do whatever we feel up to. So Mell Bells? Where would you like to go?" Louis asked, as Annie and I joined the group with my burn treated and covered up so that none of the boys knew.

"I want to go home," I said, ,"I want to go to the Fort!" Everyone cheered and we piled into Annie's car to head back up the hill.

Hey guys! what did yall think???? crazy stuff huh! lol let know what you guys thought!! OH! and this is NOT the end of the story! just in case it seemed that way. Nope! theres more so pleaseeeeee stick around. I thank God for all of you that are reading this and please if any of you have to deal with Clays or Ryans or anyone like them get out of their reach and get them help! - gabs <3

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