Chapter Part 17

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It took a full week to pull every bit of furniture, drapes, curtains and kitchen appliances out of Emma's home. There was very little she wanted to keep save what was in her room. Even the crockery and cutlery was taken away. Emma wanted a new start and that meant she wanted no reminders of her old life. A life with a man that had given her nothing but hurt and pain.

No, she wanted a new beginning with Jaz and the children. The house was hers, the Alpha had seen to that and she had a fair amount of money to her name. Thankfully that was something that came with living so long. This was a new stage of her life and she fully intended to enjoy it.

Jaz had spent most of the past week at her own house with the children helping them settle in. Riley was no trouble and even though Kody and Liam were both good kids, they were new to being Were's and still learning to cope with their new abilities and strength. Control was the first concern especially for Liam. As a male he'd be more prone to the aggressive side a Were's nature.

Since they were turned at the same time and to help with the transition it was finally decided that both children would spend time with Chrissy, Kasey and Jaz to help them understand what they are going through. Eli too helped out giving Liam the much needed male support he'd need as he grew into the adolescent that would progress into the training sessions that Cord and others in the Pack did.

Kody tagged along and Eli let her. She needed the closeness of her brother and wanted to learn to defend herself, figuring staying close to Eli that would happen. It didn't, but she was ever hopeful.

In the evenings after dinner when the children was settled and either watching television or playing quietly, the adults would gather around the kitchen table to talk. This gathering consisted of Jaz, Emma, Cade, Eli and Cord until he got bored with what was discussed and excused himself in order to 'watch' over the younger kids.

This was where they talked over plans for the new house, what furniture they wanted for each room where they would put each of the children; Cord had already made his choice so... in any case he really didn't care what kind of furniture he had so long as it wasn't pink or purple! He trusted him mother to do the right thing by him there. So as far as he was concerted it was all good.

Cord could help in other ways and he needed to get to know his new siblings, which was true enough. They needed someone to trust and Cord was close to their age and now their big brother. He still remembered what it was like when he first arrived at the Compound and how afraid he'd felt. Aside from Jaz all he had was Cade, so he wanted to be there for them, make sure they knew they could depend on him.

The three got on well, but what they didn't realise was that there were a great many others watching over them. From a distance perhaps but still watching to make sure they were safe and that if one of the little ones were to shift without notice that they wouldn't be alone to deal with it, or the damage they might cause.


Once the house was emptied and cleaned everything had been taken to local charities to be distributed to those most in need. Emma imagined they would make use of most of what she'd donated as it hadn't often been used over the years, so was still in good condition. Emma would much rather someone get use out of her discarded possessions than simply toss them aside. She did not like waste, and this would make both Emma and the new owners happy. Now it was time to look towards something new.

For days Jaz, Emma and Cade went through catalogues and checked internet sites looking for what they wanted to refurbish the house. Jaz too had decided to start over and would only be taking a few things with her when she left to move to Emma's big house. They even let Kody and Liam spend some time looking at what they might like their rooms to be like, but they only got sad, perhaps remembering their rooms in their old house so they let them be, not pushing for answers from them.

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