Chapter 13

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                                                                          Chapter 13

The next forty eight hours past in a routine of watching over Kody and Liam and taking care of Riley. Thankfully this responsibility was shared somewhat with Kiah and even though Jaz trusted her, she was only able to catch a few hours' sleep at a time and then it was fitful. Coming up on day three in their haven and Jaz was fairly running on adrenaline. She was exhausted, but these children depended on her and in a way she somehow depended on them.

The short time she had spent with them and their father had brought her joy. She saw in them what she could have had if she'd found her mate, but that was not to be. Jaz sighed and nuzzled at the baby asleep in her arms. Baby. My baby, perhaps not of my blood, but he's mine now as are his siblings.

A smile played at the corner of her lips and she shook her head. She needed to be serious, they weren't out of the woods yet and as if to show exactly that Kiah called softly to her.

"Jaz, Jaz. It is time. You're children need you."

Jaz moved quickly to the living room handing off Riley to Kiah. There were clean clothes and bowls of water by each child for Jaz to utilise. The fever had started. If he children could ride out the fever they would survive the change.

For the next twenty four hours Jaz worked around the clock, wiping down each child trying to help keep their temperature down at least a little. In all honesty there wasn't much she could do for them except make them as comfortable as possible. Anything more would only seem as if she were doing for them. That didn't matter though. Jaz needed to work, to do as much as she could to help her charges... her children.

Kiah took over the care of Riley, making Jaz stop at intervals to eat and drink. Jaz did as she ask acting realising it was easier than arguing with her. On day four the fever broke. Jaz could barely keep her eyes open she was so weary.

Liam stirred first asking for his father, bringing Jaz to full wakefulness and to his side in an instant. "Liam, it's Jaz." She lifted the boy into her arms. "I've got you now." She smoothed out his hair and kissed his forehead. "You're going to be fine." She sat him up, "I'll get you some water."

When Jaz returned Kody was awake leaning against her brother. She smiled softly then sat with them both, giving the water first to Liam then Kody. "Small sips for now okay." Liam nodded.

Jaz could see their eyes dashing wildly looking for something. "Riley's fine. He's with a friend named Kiah. She's been helping me take care of all three of you." Just then Kiah appeared in the doorway with a smiling Riley, helping calm both children.

"I know you're confused and need to know what's happened to you, but for now let's just go one step at a time. You're probably both hungry, right?" they nodded. "We'll get you fed and mayhap you'll want a shower and some clean clothes then we can talk."

Kody brought her hands up over her ears as if in pain and Jaz realised there was something that couldn't wait. "Okay, I need you to focus, both of you. I'm guessing everything is too loud?" they nodded again. "This is what I want you to do. I want you to close your eyes and imagine your brain is like a CD player and the sound is up too loud. You need to turn the dial down slowly until it's just right. Can you do that for me?"

Jaz waited for them to try it and after a minute or so they were able to do as she asked them to. "Okay, why don't we go closer so you can both see that Riley. That way you meet Kiah as well."

Once they were satisfied that Riley was in once piece and that Kiah wasn't going to hurt any of them they followed Jaz to the kitchen where they sat at the kitchen table as she organised some food for them.

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