Chapter 15

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"What objects have you decided on?"

Dinner had just ended when Mojito asked the question that everyone had been thinking. Marcella laid her fork down from where she'd been dragging it through the ketchup on her plate. Isabella leaned forward to rest her elbow on the table. Her chin was propped on her fist as she waited for Marcella to speak.

Marcella settled back into her chair with folded arms. "I started with choosing an object for me. I figured that would be the easiest place to start."

"What did you choose?"

"It should be obvious," Marcella commented. "Look around you Izzy. What do you think I chose?"

Isabella studied the room about her before she smiled. "Something to do with the ocean."

"I chose a beautiful shell I found on the beach."

"What did you choose for the others?"

A sigh escaped Marcella at Mojito's question. "I chose a glass rose with a broken stem for Rose's object. Ellen was easy. Her last name is Horn so I figured that I would go with a horn. I managed to find an old plastic Christmas ornament that's in the shape of a horn. I think it used to go with an angel. Vanessa always wore red lipstick so I found a tube that I have rarely used. Lisa was easy. Her hair is always braided so I chose a ribbon for her object. For Lucille I chose a piece of costume jewelry. She always liked picking up cheap bobbles to wear. Mary's favorite color is blue. Her object is a plastic gem from my craft drawer. Nessie was a little harder to figure out. I had several items laid out for her. I finally chose an ink pen. Nessie is always writing notes to herself."

"The objects themselves could matter less. The fact that you spent so much time making sure that you chose the right object for the sisters is where the power comes from."

"Thanks Mojito." Marcella ran a hand through her hair causing it to stick up slightly. "I'm glad it's over."

"The easy part is over." Raven said as he dropped a hand down to Isabella's thigh. Isabella shot him a look before she picked his hand up and placed it back in his lap. Raven smirked at her before he continued speaking. "We still have to get a date and time set to defeat the sisters. Then we still have to defeat the sisters. That will be the tricky part."

"Don't ruin it for the others Raven." Isabella admonished.

"He's right." Wulf stuck up for his brother. Nero nodded from where he was sitting across from Isabella. "We need to be realistic. Celebrating too soon causes more problems."

"I know that Wulf. I'm just saying that we can't be negative Nancy's. If we are then we won't achieve anything."

"Do we know when we want to defeat the Sisterhood of the Rose?" Jace queried from where he sat next to Marcella. "I'd like to get this done sooner than later. I am tired of them interfering with our lives."

"Did the five people you get to help us say when they can help?"

Marcella shrugged at Mojito's question. "They made it sound like they can help whenever we need them to help."

"The full moon is this weekend." Mojito said as he got up from the table. "I propose that we do this during the height of the full moon during the witching hour."

Marcella stood up and stretched. "I'll let the others know."

Isabella watched Marcella leave the kitchen. Mojito followed her. Isabella got up and started cleaning the table. Wulf, Raven, and Nero helped her. Isabella gave them all grateful smiles. Even she was ready for the Sisterhood of the Rose to be taken down. They have given Marcella enough heartache. It was time for their rule to end.

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