Chapter 5

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Isabella rubbed at her arms. Even ten years later, the memory of her stepfather's cruelty brought goose bumps to her arms. The scars had faded, but the memories refused to dim with the passage of time. Isabella was forever scared and she would carry those scars for the rest of her life.

Dawn was just breaking over the horizon, washing the surrounding land with the first rays of light. Isabella had been awake for several hours already. Sleep seemed to evade her on certain nights and this had been one of those nights.

A sudden breeze made Isabella shiver and she drew the black shall she had draped about her shoulders closer. Isabella looked down at her coffee mug which was empty. The thought had barely passed her mind that she wanted more coffee when Raven came walking out of the cabin behind her with a steaming mug of freshly brewed coffee.

Isabella smiled at him as she reached for the cup. The cup felt good on Isabella's cold fingers as she wrapped her hands around it. Steam rose from the mug and Isabella put her face right over it so that she could inhale the rich scent of strong coffee.

"I sometimes still find it freaky how easily you can read my mind Raven."

Raven gave her a small smile before he stepped up next to her and gazed out at the new day. His dark eyes scanned the forest looking for anything amiss. The wind blew his long hair which he wore unbound today. Fatigue showed around his eyes and the lines on his face seemed deeper today. He was in pain.

Isabella reached out and touched Raven's face. He turned towards her, giving her better access to touch his face. Raven's eyes closed and a shudder escaped him as if Isabella's touch caused him pain. When Isabella went to pull away, Raven stopped her. He held her hand against his face and inhaled deeply.

"My heart hurts for you Raven. I hate it that you have suffered so much that you cannot even tolerate my gentle touch."

Raven's eyes snapped open and focused on her at the pain he heard in her voice. His eyes studied her face as he pulled her hand from his face and brought her hand to his mouth so that he could nibble on her fingers. The feeling of Raven's hot mouth on her fingers against the chill of the wind did strange things to Isabella. She thought that she had gotten used to the feelings that he awoke in her, but as Isabella's body reacted, it still took her by surprise.

The howl of a wolf signaled Faolain's arrival. Raven lowered Isabella's hand from his mouth, but he refused to release her. Isabella turned and watched as a beautiful wolf loped into the yard. Its fur was a beautiful golden color that was unheard of in wolves. Black eyes shone at her before the wolf transformed in Faolain. His keen eyes took in everything around him before he smirked at his brother.

"I see that you have been using your charms on Isabella."

Raven snorted as he finally released Isabella so that he could step forward and embrace his brother. "Only when I am in need of comfort my brother and even then I never have to ask. Isabella always knows when I am feeling needy."

Raven stepped back and leaned a hip against the railing as he crossed his arms. His black eyes studied his brother's windblown hair before spoke. "What news do you have?"

Faolain stepped over and leaned down so that he could kiss Isabella on the cheek. "Blessed be Isabella."

"Blessed be Wulf and welcome home."

Wulf inhaled deeply as he straightened. "It feels strange to finally have a home."

A heartbreaking smile touched Isabella's face as she looked at the two brothers. "My home will always be your home."

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