Alone isn't good

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I sit. Shit she can still hit hard, I think my eyes are watering. Oh, you bastard, laugh all you want, I'll sort you.

"We know you've been a little distant since the accident Tae, but were family. With all this happening no way we're letting you handle it alone." Jay tells me sitting.

We sit facing each other, in the square, just taking our old seats.

"Let him." Oh shouts. "He thought it was one of us."

"I never said that!" I shout.

"You both give a shit about him, fine. I don't care." Oh, tells them.

"He has a terminal illness, we're here to discuss what's best for Godt." Poppy tells Oh with a straight face.

Wait, who has what? Poppy what the fuck are you saying? "I..."

I turn to look as the glass drops from Oh's hand as he stands, he's staring at me with tears in his eyes. "God no...Tae..."

"Don't care eh?" She snickers. "You were about to ball like a baby."

"You bitc......... *Resounding slap* fuck, Poppy that hurts." Oh, shouts and sits.

"I want to hear it all from you." Jay looks at me. "These two don't know much, so spill kid."

I sigh and tell them, about Tee and the test and all. Dads really furious, he's taking over the family's entire business in the country, he's had assets frozen, he has people looking for the main family, he's on a real rampage.

"What about Godt?" Poppy asks. "That guy, Tee, he going to try anything?"

I remember when he saw Godt, how he hugged him, as if for dear life, before handing him to me in tears and running off. I had a guy keep an eye on him, he walked till he was exhausted, then sat and cried. I know what its like, how can I take more from him?

"I don't think so." I tell them. "He just wants to see Godt."

"Dads been looking for that kid, how the hell did you know him?" Jay asks.

I tell them about Godt and Wayo, all their meeting's and adventures. Poppy's in hysterics.

"The kid rejected you I hear." Jay says sipping his drink.

Now its Oh laughing his head off, Poppy wants to see a picture, of course Jay has a file. The minute she sees Wayo's photograph she's in love with him, I tell her he has a boyfriend.

"Want me to take care of him for you?" She asks seriously.

I shake my head no. I can't forget the scene, when they didn't know they had an audience, they looked perfect together. Yo had looked so sad, I wanted to go talk to him, but the minute Pha walked into the room, his face said it all. He didn't need anyone else. What does that feel like?

We talk more, its strangely comforting talking to them.

"We know mums to blame for a lot of things Tae, she pushed dad, we never blamed him for being with your mum". Jay sighs. "No matter what anyone says, we are your siblings, you come to us dam it."

"We let you hide, even from us, but not anymore." Poppy looks at me. "Alone is not good."

"Hide all you wan... fuck poppy that hurts." Oh, shouts again, she really is slap happy.

"Stop being a bastard and tell him straight." She shouts. "You missed him as much as us."

"Fine." Oh looks at me rubbing his cheek. "Stop pushing us away, watching from afar, not being able to help hurts others as well."

"Sorry." I whisper.

"Now hug." She tells us.

We both try to protest, she raises her hand, we hug fast. She hugs us both, and Jay just taps my shoulder like always, he's like dad, not great with hugging.

I knock on the apartment door and wait. I need to ask if Tee has any old pictures, and deliver the invitation Godt sent for him. Since he met Yo and all his friends, and knows Tee is his Uncle, even though he doesn't understand what's happening, he has been so excited about the upcoming event at his school. He hasn't stopped talking, how he will have a big family like all the other kids.

I shouldn't have distanced myself from my siblings, I ran away, thinking I was protecting Godt. But if something does happen, having them all is much better for him.

When no one answers I call his phone, its ringing inside, is he ignoring me? I knock more, when nothing happens I pick lock the door, one of my men waits outside.

It's a small apartment, I had a check done on him, nothing hidden, he seems just what he says. I ring the phone and walk towards the bedroom, he's asleep? I look around, turning on the light, you don't ignore me...shit what's that bottle.

I grab it, sleeping pills. Shit. Its nearly empty, did he try to do something? I shake him but he's not moving, I'm about to shout for someone when I'm flipped onto the bed, and he's on top of me?

"What? sleeping." He says before lying on me.

"You idiot." I snap coming back to my senses. "How many did you take? You trying to ki..."

"Just 2, I hate using them but I really"

I try to get up but he's an octopus, he has his arms and legs wrapped around me.

"Tee, wake up dam it." I say.

But he's not moving, he's breathing's evening out, he's sleeping?? I struggle to get free, but he's surprisingly strong.

"I'm not a body pillow...." I start.

"Shshh Tae, sleep." He whispers, before kissing me on the lips and falling asleep with his head on my chest.

Did he just kiss me? I stop moving as my heart beats faster. His heads just under my chin, he's completely draped over me.

Did I like it? I stare at the ceiling fan. I think I liked it.

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