"Yes" he snapped.

"Okay good, well I'll let you finish and get dressed, I have to go see some other patients. Then I'll be back to go over the leg raises before I leave"

"You bring all your patient's lunch?" he asked

"Nope , just the one's I know are grumpy without food"

She returned to Bellamy's room a few hours later. He was shirtless and sat in the bed, doing leg raises and sit ups.

"Okay, not so fast" she walked over next to him and placed her hand on his lower abs, to hold him down. Her hand felt like it was burning through him, on her end it just felt like he was on fire, she was sure her cheeks were too, because the second she took to admire his toned stomach was the second he took to look at her, and when her eyes met his she could tell by the amused look that he caught her. She pulled her hand away.

"Um, crunches, no situps, I want you to be lifting your legs not counterbalancing from your abs. Leg muscles not abs, you can do crunches and lifts, work both, but not situps."

"Okay" he replied easily.

"You get flustered this easy in close contact with patients"

"Don't flatter yourself Blake, I expect to see you on the 1st floor tomorrow in the PT wing. 8am as they will probably let you out tomorrow, then after that I can just come to base or you can come over to the house" she was moving towards the door, obviously in a rush to leave, she didn't even leave him time to respond before the door closed.

Eleven O'clock that night he was restless. He kept thinking about his day, her hand on him sent his heart into an erratic beat, thankfully they took him off that machine or that surely would have caused a fuss.

He grabbed his phone, his sister already sent him a goodnight message. He took a chance and opened Clarke's name in his contacts, letting his finger hover over the messenger icon. Part of him was bored to the point he would talk to anyone, the other part of him didn't want to bother her. He gave in to his boredom.

Bellamy: You awake?

Clarke: Everything okay?

Bellamy: Yeah, bored.

Clarke: Do leg lifts!

Bellamy: Yes Doctor!, Do you make house calls? ;)

The second he sent it he groaned, they weren't the flirty type, at least not with each other, lack of sleep was killing him and just made tomorrow into an awkward day. He watched his phone repeatedly tell him Clarke was typing then it would disappear because she erased it then she was typing again.

Clarke sat on her bed unsure of how to reply, she had a few glasses of wine to relax her and was in the middle of a steamy sex session in the novel she was reading. The kind of paragraph that makes your breathing erratic and your mind run wild. That's when he called her out on her indecisiveness.

Bellamy: Stop erasing things, always go with your first instinct!

Clarke: You don't have a house.

He smiled at her response.

Bellamy: Nope I have a hospital room though.

Clarke: yup, with a big window and all, count stars.

Bellamy: What are you up too?

Clarke: Reading, or at least I was, you killed the moment.

Bellamy: Reading has a moment?

Clarke: Sometimes and this particular part was a moment.

All Kinds of Therapy ( Bellarke Edition)Where stories live. Discover now