Chapter 36

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3 Months Later...

"Clarke, you have a letter from Bell" Octavia yelled.

The girls had moved across the complex, and were all settled in, Octavia and Clarke have been busy painting the Nursery. Raven was on baby furniture assembly.

Octavia walked in the room carrying new rollers and handed Clarke her letter. She moved to the rocker and sat down opening it.

"We are going to get some lunch and bring it up here" Raven and Octavia stepped out the door giving her a second to read in peace. She nodded she heard them before

unfolding the paper.


Hello Beautiful,

It's been three months, and I'll have you know I found a sparkle today. haha

You weren't kidding I couldn't get rid of them if I had too! I got the ultrasound

photos you sent...a girl. I don't know whether to be excited or scared, I'm both

at the moment. I'm not sure I'm ready for another bossy woman in my life, My

sister and you are enough most days. We are going to have to find a bigger place

to live, five of us in a two bedroom is not going to work. We can look when I get

back. It's hot here, like 105 degrees as a low. I am not equipped for this heat, I

can't believe I'm going to say this, but I miss Virginia humidity. Not nearly as much

as I miss you though. They have tried to get the command center up a few times

so we can video call but we have ran into a few issues, hopefully soon. I'm dying to

see you. The photos you send don't do you justice ;) I hope you are telling the baby all

about me every chance you get. Is Octavia being Mother Hen? Lincoln said her letters

pretty much scream she's overprotective haha. And you thought you'd be the one taking

care of everyone. I have to go, we are getting ready to move out for a few days. I Love

you more than life itself and I will be waiting for your next letter. 6 more months until I

get to hold you again, we are almost half way through the wait. I'll write again soon.

I Love you.

Forever & Always,



She wiped the tears off her cheeks, six more months, she wanted to see him. His letters were vague as she was sure they had to be but it just made her wonder what was going on, there was "issues", "setbacks", "obstacles" but that was all she ever heard. Even if he could tell her he probably wouldn't, now that she thought about she wasn't sure which way would be more comforting. She was guilty of doing the same thing though, her sugar levels and blood pressure were high, but the pregnancy was going along "Great" because it was and she would make sure it did.

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