Chapter 2

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Bellamy would have sworn to you that it was a dream, if he didn't witness her pull her hand from his. He wouldn't lie to himself, he slept pretty well after she woke him up.

He watched her quietly sneak back to her room before he stretched. Hey layed there for a few minutes, he didn't remember much of the night before, his dream he remembered, then the next thing he knew he had her pinned underneath him, staring back up at him , he could see she was scared, he remembered her telling him he hurt her.

He was embarrassed about the whole thing and was hoping she would keep it between them.

Around nine when she emerged from her room appearing to have just woken up for the second time, he felt his heart rate pick up.

This whole thing was causing him anxiety,

'Would she tell Octavia?, of course she was going to tell Octavia. Then O can blow it out of proportion and tell me I need to get 'help' favorite word.'

His mind was working on overtime early this morning as Clarke made her way to the coffee pot wiping sleep from her eyes.

She grabbed a cup and poured coffee in it before joining them at the counter.

A sharp intake of breath directed their attention to Octavia.

"Clarke, what happened to your wrist?" She asked. Clarke looked at her puzzled before looking down at her arm. Bellamy's eyes shot to her arm. He instantly felt sick, he didn't have to ask, he knew he did that. A deep shade of blue and purple wrapped around her wrist. She rolled her wrist, Bellamy could see her tense slightly.

"I don't know, probably from self defense class" She shrugged sipping her coffee.

"Geeze, I'd be more careful" Octavia commented looking to the television, zoned in on the weather forecast.

Clarke looked to Bellamy, his eyes full of relief. A silent thank you for not throwing him out there. She gave him a small nod before turning to the news also.

They spent the rest of the day decorating and getting ready for tonight.

"Bellamy, hand me the blue one" Clarke ordered.

"You are awful bossy" he grumbled, shoving the blue christmas ball in her direction. She stood on a small ladder in the front window.

"You just don't like taking orders, and save me the that's all I do speech, give me red"

He searched for the ornament handing it to her.

"I do not have a "

"Silver" she cut him off holding her hand out.

"a problem with taking orders." he finished placing the colored ball in her hand.

"Green" she ignored him carrying on with decorating.

"Blue" She reached for the ball, rolling her wrist a few times. She could feel it starting to stiffen.

She turned to look at him when she felt his fingers on her wrist.

"I need blue Bellamy. " He ran his finger gently over the bruise. It sent goosebumps across her skin.

"I'm Sorry" He stated. She could see the remorse in his eyes.

"I'll be fine, no big deal, can I have a blue one?"

"Yeah, but I could have really hurt you"

"But you didn't, I need blue"

She looked back at him for a second. He stood in silence looking out the window.

"Hey, blue, c'mon I don't feel like doing this all friggen day" She stated nudging him with her foot.

All Kinds of Therapy ( Bellarke Edition)Where stories live. Discover now