Chapter 37

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4 & 1/2 months later


Bellamy grabbed his letter off the table in the tent and headed back to his cot. He was waiting days for this moment, they have been out in the desert for two weeks, One Humvee hit an IED, two marines were lost, one that he had seen in their complex before. He still hasn't been able to video call Clarke, He laid down on his back and opened the envelope, bringing it to his nose. He loved that the letters smelled like her. His entire bag smelled like her from all the letters in the pocket. He slid the paper out, purple sparkles fluttering down on his chest. He laughed and then coughed, he was fairly certain he inhaled a few.

"You think you would have learned by now" Lincoln laughed from a cot across the room.

"It's been awhile without sparkles" he smiled shaking the letter off onto the dirt floor before holding it up to read it.



One and a half months until you are home :) One month until Aurora arrives!

Neither can happen soon enough, I feel huge and can't wait to be back to my

normal size, at first I could use rubber bands on my pants, but now a days that's

not working. Nothing fits and its awful. I sent a photo, I'm huge! Pregnancy is still

going well, here's to hoping delivery is quick and easy. I think I have everything we

need for her arrival, if not we will figure it out as we go. Six more weeks my love, take

care of each other, I want you safely back in my arms as soon as possible. I know this

letters short but I am writing it in the waiting room of the doctors office. I love you sooo much,

I'll write again soon. xoxoxo.

Forever & Always,



He pulled the photo out of the envelope, there she was, looking like she was going to pop any day, but still as beautiful as ever. The tent flap pulled back, Wick came through grabbing stuff off his cot.

"Suit up, we are going back out, overnight raid of the village over the ridge, some of the guys on our target list are believed to be held up in one of the buildings on the north side of town." Bellamy groaned sliding the picture in his pocket, and stuffing the letter in his bag. They grabbed there things and headed out. Bellamy looked down at his watch 2:00 am. He glanced up at the ski, finding the north star. They were standing outside the last building, heat sensors showed multiple people inside and he had a bad feeling about this one. He glanced down at the picture of Clarke in his hand before slipping it back in his pocket. 'Soon baby, I'll be home soon' he whispered to himself before the group split. Bellamy, Wick, Lincoln and three others had the back exits, the other half went through the front.

"Clear, Clear, Clear" Shouts could be heard through the house, He knew they didn't enter until the 2nd floor was called clear.

"First Floor Clear" was called out.

"Clear, Clear, Clear, Clear" could be heard through the windows.

"Second Floor Clear" was shouted.

Bellamy opened the door, They did a second sweep of the first floor.

"Third floor clear" he heard come down the stairs. He motioned to the guys that they were headed to the next floor. Three steps up and Bellamy stopped them. The shouting stopped. The building has three floors, but no one called building clear. How could the third floor be clear but not the building. He backed them off down the stairs slowly. The sound of footsteps above them forced them to split up into dark corners of the first floor. The first target came around the corner, Wick taking a shot. The next three were closer together the first aiming at Wick when Bellamy took the first shot giving up his location, the next two opened fire in his direction. He could hear Lincoln and Wick returning fire as he ducked behind a beam.

"First floor clear" Wick yelled out.

"Blake?" Lincoln called.

Wick turned the corner, Bellamy leaned against the beam blood soaking through his Cammie's. It was a lucky shot, it missed the flak vest by an inch tearing through what they hoped was his shoulder, there was a lot of blood and it was too dark to see.

"Bellamy?" Wick called.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good" he replied, he swayed slightly holding the beam for support.

"You are not good" Lincoln stated.

"I am, let's move" They moved keeping Bellamy between them, they called second floor clear. A call of third floor and building clear followed. Wick tied off Bellamy's shoulder hoping the pressure was enough. They headed back down to the main floor and out the door, they moved silently through the streets, they turned the corner, the vehicles in sight. The platoon spun around at the sound of fire, taking cover. Lincoln spun around, Right before Wick could grab him Bellamy collapsed.

"Mother fucker, give me your bandana, they shot him in the leg" Wick tied that bandana as tight as he could around Bellamy who growled in pain. They were held down in that spot, and probably would be until back up could get there. He propped himself up against the wall so he could shoot if he needed to.

Lincoln moved to his side checking the streets occasionally. After an hour everything started to quiet down, Bellamy looked up at the sky, the North star shined bright above them. That was all he wanted, he just wanted to go home.

"Clarke" it was barely a whisper but Wick and Lincoln heard it.

"What about Clarke?' Wick asked.

"Tell her I love her, more than anything"

"You are going to tell her yourself" Wick glanced at him and then sent a look to Lincoln.

"Let's be serious, it's not my first tour, you can only lose so much blood, I'm already getting cold and my vision keeps going blurry"

"Enough Bellamy, Your going to be a dad" Lincoln stated.

"Lincoln no matter what, you make sure Aurora has what she needs and you take care of my sister and Clarke."

"Bellamy" he tried to get him to stop, he knew the situation was not good, he couldn't even look at him.

"Promise me?" he pleaded.

"I, I promise" Lincoln answered trying to map out an escape to the Humvee.

Bellamy watched the street behind Lincoln, seeing movement. He knew some of his guys were on the other side of that divider, he could see them. He lifted his gun and took out the target.

"Nice shot Blake"

"Blake? Blake wake up. No napping" Lincoln shook him.

"Wick we don't have a few hours, he has to go now. "Lincoln looked worried.

Wick nodded signaling the team across the street.

They worked in unison getting him to a vehicle.

They pulled into the camp carrying him to the medical tent.

"How long has he not been breathing?" the medic asked.

"What?" Wick asked in disbelief. He looked to Bellamy, seeing how pale he looked made him nauseous.

"I don't know, he was breathing when we loaded him" Lincoln said helping move him to a table.

"Everyone out, I need room" the medic yelled.

Everyone sat on their cots, a heavy silence filling the space. The second half of the group just got back and walked in.

"Whoever took that shot, it was one hell of a shot, probably saved my life" Emerson stated walking to his cot.

"Sgt. Blake" Wick answered.

"Hell of a shot, where is he?"

"Wasn't breathing when we got back, he's in the med tent." one of the other Marines filled them in.

Emerson filled with dread, instantly regretting his conversation on the tarmac with Clarke.

Wind whistled through the tent picking up the sparkles on the floor and sending them across the room. The medic covered in blood walked into the tent. Everyone turning their attention to him.

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