"I cook by myself, dickwad. I'm not some prissy male who needs people to do everything for me. You'd also be surprised to learn I do my own laundry and clean myself. I've never owned a maid," feigning a gasp, Harry rolled his eyes and began to walked towards the kitchen. "Park wherever, as long as it's not on my flowers or lawn," he said with a wave over his shoulder. Harry, although he was a man who enjoyed sports and all that other 'masculine' shit, he also enjoyed gardening, cooking, and fashion.

A frown came over his face ehen Harry called hiz baby a hairless rat. Glancing down when the cat growled from being poked and wriggled in his arms to be lwt down. "Ok fine. Go explore." The moment he set her down, the fluffy cat took off running to go hide. She hated new places.

"Oh! Flowers! Can i help you garden? Do you grow any vegetables?" Louis was impressed. Harry came off as the type who had several people working for him so he wouldn't have to do any "hard" work and risk damaging his precious hands. "Sweet. Do I get a tour?"

Harry scoffed and was draining the noodles when Louis came into the kitchen. "Of course I grow vegetables. The sauce for the spaghetti tonight was made with tomatoes from my garden. Most of my other plants have stopped producing from the cold weather. I still have a few, like broccoli, carrots, cabbage, kale, and a few others." Harry explained as he moved the noodles to a clear glass bowl, followed by the steaming sauce mixed with the hamburger, olives and mushrooms being poured over it.

Arching an eyebrow, Harry put a lid over the bowl to help keep it warm and glanced up at Louis. "Depends. Have you ever gardened before in your life?" he asked, opening the oven to check on the garlic knots, which still had a few minutes left. "And after dinner,"

Wincing Louis pointed at the sauce. "Did you put mushrooms in there? Ugh." He wasn't a fan of any vegetable Harry mentioned, he ate corn and that was it. "The hell is kale?" An eyebrow came up when he grabbed the bowl to bring over to the table, a habit of his from growing up. "Where are the plates and silverware I'll set the table."

"I have. Grandma had a garden right beside her garage, best place to plant rhubarb. She also grew tomatoes." He got glasses out and set them beside the fridge, figuring he would pour drinks when their guest got there. "Are you one of those people who eats incredibly healthy and doesn't keep anything sugary in the house?"

Popping a raw mushroom in his mouth, Harry wrinkled his nose at Louis, mirroring the boys face. "Sure did. Don't like them, pick them out," he said, swallowing before he grabbed a small bowl from the cupboard and the cheese grater. "Kale is a vegetable. It's part of the cabbage family," he said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, like every single person should know what it was.

He was in the middle of grating some fresh parmesan cheese, listening to Louis speak fondly of his grandma, voice having gone thick with emotion, when he suddenly dropped the chunk of cheese on the counter and turned to face Louis. Without saying anything, he opened up two cupboard doors, where there was junk food stacked upon junk food, then he opened the fridge and the freezer. There was things like juice and chocolate puddings cups in the fridge, and in the freezer he had ice cream and a few other frozen sweets.

"I like rotting my teeth, thank you very much," Harry said, glaring at Louis. "Just because I like to eat food I find tastes good, doesn't mean I am a health freak," which he wasn't. He exercised regularly and ate healthy, but he also ate cupcakes, and gushers, and all of that other sugary shit. Though there was one thing he hated that he would consider a sugary food, and that was pie. He didn't enjoy eating any kind of the nasty shit, even if it was just pudding in a pie crust.

Shuddering when Harry ate a raw mushroom, he scratched at his neck. "Um, what would happen if I said i was allergic to 'em?

His blue eyes got wide at the sight of all that marvelous junk food. He predicted lots of late night cravings. "Marshmallows!" Louis grabbed for a bag of large marshmallows and ripped them open to shove a few in his mouth. He didn't need a reason to eat those.

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