Mystery Chick,

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"I don't know what it is Sammy, but I just can't stop thinking about that girl we saw at the bar. There must be something off about her or something... there just has to be." Dean says looking across the room at his younger brother, who has a similar stressed look plastered on his face.

"Funny you should say that Dean. I didn't want to say anything cause I thought it would have been weird. I mean we've dealt with weird before, but this...this may just take the cake." Sam rambles on to his brother before suddenly pausing.

"I mean why would we both remember this girl and not only that, but the fact that we can't forget her." Sam continues to ramble before he gets thrown off track by Dean.

"Yeah man it's like there's a reason why we can't forget her. We have to figure out who and what she is like now! I don't think, no I know I can't take much more of her, in my head." Dean says with his eyebrows furrowed in deep thought.

"Alright, well what all do you remember about her?" Sam asks his brother as he pulls out his laptop.

"Well I remember she had long brown hair, with blueish-green eyes and she was drinking straight whiskey, that's one badass girl if you ask me." Dean recalls everything he remembered from the night with a playful sense as always.

"Okay so we remember pretty much the same things, but I do have to ask you one thing." Sam says looking up from his laptop and to his older brother who's already staring at him.

"Shoot!" Dean mumbles looking into his brother's eyes with a playful smirk.

"Where you attracted to her at all?" Sam questions his brother with a serious questioning glare.

"What do you mean Sammy?" Dean asks with his lips pursed.

"Like did you think she was hot or wouldn't mind being with her?" Sam explains staring his brother down with a certain seriousness.

"What kind of question is that Sammy? No I didn't have a little crush on the girl. But to be honest, a girl like her would normally be my type, badass, beautiful, and smart, but with her it was different. It doesn't make any sense Sam, I mean you know me, I'm one hell of a ladies man, especially when a girl's like all that." Dean explains to his brother with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Well hate to tell you, but we have nothing. We don't even know the girls name. So our best bet is to go check out that bar and see if anyone has seen her around." Sam suggests with a half smile.

"Alright well lets go find this mystery chick!" Dean exclaims with a huge smirk as he throws on his black leather jacket.

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