Chapter 8. Marble mother

Start from the beginning

Marci pulls out a chair and has me sit, "Vic, is a jerk. He was rubbing salt in the wound. Don't listen to him." She waits for my next move. I really hope I gave that turd-head a black eye, "Um. Do you want to go down stairs? Get some ice on your knuckles?"

I shake my head. Thanks for ripping open my wounds, Victor. You're a real gentleman.

"Ok." Marci keeps smiling as I study the floor, "I should get home. My folks are probably worried about me." She stands up but doesn't go anywhere. "Are you alright by yourself?"

"I think I could actually use some space." I look up. I won't cry in front of anyone...even Marci Black. "Please close the door on your way out."

Marci leaves and gently closes my door as my hot tears hit the floor.

Those pictures, those flowers, everything downstairs is of her. I need something else, I need to hear her again. My fingers fumble and put in the next tape. Number five.

Mom starts out with a heavy sigh, "Tapes five and six are a bit more...out there. So before I start, I have something to confess. Magic is real. And it is really dangerous."

{Location: Chen's island}(Dawn's POV)[Time: 20 years ago]

I can't help but stare at my reflection. My tattoo is complete and has something different than the other students'. Mine has very visible fangs. But I like it a lot more than I thought I would.

"Dawn." Chen knocks on the door but comes in without permission, "We're getting ready to eat."

I pull down the back of my shirt, "Ok. Any news on my family?"

"Nothing of use. But my men have been slowly collecting driftwood. Other than small things like that, I know nothing."

I frown. It's been a year, how could he not know anything? Then again, he's been kind of busy taking care of me. "Oh." I sigh a little. Chen has been there for me, he taught me things. Like my dad did, "Chen."

He glares at me, I bite my lip but look higher.

"Master," I change my wording which makes him smile, "Do you love me?"

He bursts into laughter.

Did I make a joke? What is so funny about a child's question of love? "Did I say something?"

"It's..just...oh my." He keeps laughing like I made the world's funniest joke. "Dawn." He holds my shoulders, "Love is weak." Love is weak, what the heck does that mean, "Love will get you nothing. Power, manipulation, and money are what will make one succeed in life. "

"So," I don't get it. I obey him, I treat him with respect, he teaches me things I could never think of. Isn't that all love is, someone opens up someone else, "You don't love me?"

"No. Do I admire your dedication to my teachings? Yes. Do I adore how you listen to what I say and execute it quickly? Yes. Am I proud of how far you've come in such a short time? Yes. But love is an overused word. It's meaning has long since faded into a common word."

I feel something wet around my eyes. Have I misunderstanding the meaning of love or am I an idiot? "Oh. So you don't see my value."

He sighs, "I know you are valuable. But-"

A loud gong hits some things and a swarm of students response. I eat in quite as the Kabookie pass out food. Chen eats with Clouse and a few other higher students. I'm rattled. And everyone can see. At some point, we're finished as we run through the last lesson for the evening. After that, I make my way to bed but can't fall asleep. My thoughts were the main sources of the problem.

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